Tuesday 2 September 2014

How To Lose Belly Fat part 3

The "Secrets" behind the 21 Day Belly Blast & Detox Program:
(yes , I know I said 3 earlier but there are really 7 )
  Thermic  Effect Of Food (TEF) - Not all "calories" are created equal.
  • Some foods burn more calories being digested and utilized by the body than others
  • Some foods cause your body to burn fat better (even some which are considered "bad" or "fattening")
  • Some foods actually cause your body to STORE fat (especially around the middle)
  • Some foods (including most "diet" foods) include ingredients that cause you to be hungrier after consuming more calories
  • Some foods (especially "diet" foods) wreak havoc with your metabolism actually slowing it !
Calorie Confusion
  •  Higher calorie days and  lower calorie days combine for maximum fat loss and increased metabolism
MUFAS - monounsaturated fats
  • Keep you full while encouraging your body to BURN stored fat
The 90/10 Rule
  • If you eat high quality, fat burning foods 90% of the time, the other 10% won't matter and the higher calories and fat will actually rev up your metabolism
EPOC - (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption , otherwise known as afterburn)
  •  Exercise programming based on cutting edge science designed to burn maximum calories during and after you workout while creating sleek, shapely muscles with ever movement
Progressions -
  • The Principle of Progression implies that there is an optimal level of overload that should be achieved, and an optimal time frame for this overload to occur. Overload should not be increased too slowly or improvement is slow to unlikely. Instead of adding more days or time, you simply advance to the next more difficult version of your exercise (or "progression") to continue to achieve results
  • Keep It Simple Stupid - Cook the recipes, follow the food plan and do the workouts while you learn all the secrets and tricks so you can keep losing, sculpting and going towards your goals

IT’S Not A Miracle: It's the latest cutting edge in science put to work for YOU

Source: http://www.mypersonalfitnesscoach.com/21DayBellyBlast2.htm
I'm only showing you this because I think it could help. I do not make any money or commission from this but if you would like more information please go to the web site above.

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