7 Celebrities And Their Insane Weight Loss Techniques
When it comes to dieting, celebrities are all over the latest trends. Some do it to keep their trim figures while others only go on diets if they need to lose weight for a movie role. Many celeb diets are pretty tame. We’re familiar with popular choices like Atkins and Zone but there are some diets that everyone should just avoid. There are better ways to lose weight and we wish some of these celebrities could see that. Here are 7 celebrities and their ridiculous weight loss techniques. Don’t try these at home!
7. Beyonce
To lose 20 pounds for her role in “Dreamgirls,” Beyonce used the Master Cleanse. For at least 10 days on this diet, she was limited to an all-liquid diet of cayenne lemon water and herbal laxatives, which sounds pretty horrific to us. Although the Master Cleanse sounds much more like a punishment than anything, Beyonce did look really good in “Dreamgirls.”6. Madonna
Madonna is rumored to be a follower of the werewolf diet. Also known as the lunar diet, it involves timing your meals to the phases of the moon. People who follow this diet can reportedly lose six pounds in one 24 period on the diet; however, this is probably due to lost water weight, which can be gained back almost immediately.5. Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga is a follower of the drunk diet. “I live my life as I want to, creatively. I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working. But the deal is I’ve got to work out every day, and I work out even if I am hung over. And it’s about the cross training and keeping yourself inspired. I have to say, I do a ton of yoga,” she said. This diet doesn’t seem like it is one that can be sustained long term.4. Mariah Carey
In 2007, Mariah Carey lost a considerable amount of weight after following the bleak diet. The name for this diet is not all misleading – it is pretty bleak! Followers consume soups and fish that are prepared really blandly. Over the long term, this sounds like a pretty monotonous choice of diet.3. Kim Kardashian
In an attempt to get her shape back after giving birth, Kim Kardashian has been doing “waist training.” She wears a super tiny corset, which is supposed to reshape her body, giving it that Jessica Rabbit look. While the reality TV star may advocate for this type of weight loss technique, health experts are warning against it, arguing that it could create potential health issues because it forces the body into an unnatural position.2. Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet allegedly lost her baby weight with the Facial Analysis Diet. Celebrity nutritionist Elizabeth Gibauld, who created this diet, believes that different shaped faces require different diets and that markings, facial color and skin texture can tell us what the body is lacking. The diet begins with a two-day detox and is low in calories. As tempting as this one sounds, the jury is still out on whether or not this diet works.1. Carmen Electra
Carmen Electra reportedly keeps her weight in check with grapefruit oil. She is rumored to carry around a vial of it, sniffing it whenever she feels hungry. Not everyone is convinced that this diet works. While some studies show that animals who are exposed to grapefruit scent for 15 minutes, three times a day showed a reduction in appetite, other studies suggest that grapefruit oil has no appetite suppressing properties.
Source: http://www.fame10.com/style/7-celebrities-and-their-insane-weight-loss-techniques/?utm_source=outbrain&utm_campaign=Outbrain_Fame10_Desktop_UKAUNZ&utm_medium=cpc
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