Monday 29 September 2014

Celebrity Diet Secrets - How do they stay so thin?

Celebrity Diet Secrets

How do they keep so thin?


Rihanna - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
'It's all about trying to eat healthy and be in the gym to feel better. If you look at it that way, and not like you're trying to lose weight, then it's more successful,' explains the Umbrella singer. Her diet includes veggies, egg whites, and fruit as snacks, plus shed loads of water. 'Carbs are the enemy,' she insists.

Kate Hudson

Jennifer Hudson - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
Just how did she achieve such perfection? A smart eating plan that includes a lot of sushi, and organic food wherever possible. Kate was given a hard time over piling on pregnancy pounds. 'The tabloids were tough on me, but I ate well and exercised. The weight just came off. Now I have no issues with my body. I don't have time in life to worry about it.'


Beyonce - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
According to Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez, drinking water is a great appetite suppressant. Too boring? Jazz up your H20 like the Crazy in Love singer and add chicken or vegetable stock to it. A cup-full of heated chicken or vegetable broth will take your water from boring to tastebud-tingling, in only 20 calories.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
If you follow the 'one for you, one for me' school of feeding your kids, your girth-line's bound to grow. Don't banish your children's favourite treats, just do what Gwyneth does, and, when mini me's enjoying a sweetie snack, make a healthy version, like celery boats with low-fat cream cheese and raisin, frozen grapes and strawberry smoothies.    

Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK

Ever wondered how Sharon Stone looks so fabulous at 50? She snacks on prunes which, according to Dr Maoshing Ni, Hollywood's hottest doctor of Chinese medicine and an authority on anti-ageing, not only contain wrinkle-beating properties (vitamin E) but also prevent tummy bloating and ease elimination with a natural laxative-like effect.

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
American Idol winner and country singing star Carrie Underwood has gone from a size 6 (UK10) to a size 2 (UK6). How did she do it? 'I've got one rule,' she says. 'Never skip breakfast.' Her morning munchie is usually a Luna Bar - a protein bar available at health shops. Any other secrets to her weight-loss? 'It's not because of any radical diet. It's the little things like cutting out the margaritas and daiquiris, replacing sugary drinks with green tea, and white breads with wholegrains.'


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