Monday 29 September 2014

Celebrity Diet Secrets - How do they stay so thin?

Celebrity Diet Secrets

How do they keep so thin?


Rihanna - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
'It's all about trying to eat healthy and be in the gym to feel better. If you look at it that way, and not like you're trying to lose weight, then it's more successful,' explains the Umbrella singer. Her diet includes veggies, egg whites, and fruit as snacks, plus shed loads of water. 'Carbs are the enemy,' she insists.

Kate Hudson

Jennifer Hudson - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
Just how did she achieve such perfection? A smart eating plan that includes a lot of sushi, and organic food wherever possible. Kate was given a hard time over piling on pregnancy pounds. 'The tabloids were tough on me, but I ate well and exercised. The weight just came off. Now I have no issues with my body. I don't have time in life to worry about it.'


Beyonce - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
According to Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez, drinking water is a great appetite suppressant. Too boring? Jazz up your H20 like the Crazy in Love singer and add chicken or vegetable stock to it. A cup-full of heated chicken or vegetable broth will take your water from boring to tastebud-tingling, in only 20 calories.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
If you follow the 'one for you, one for me' school of feeding your kids, your girth-line's bound to grow. Don't banish your children's favourite treats, just do what Gwyneth does, and, when mini me's enjoying a sweetie snack, make a healthy version, like celery boats with low-fat cream cheese and raisin, frozen grapes and strawberry smoothies.    

Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK

Ever wondered how Sharon Stone looks so fabulous at 50? She snacks on prunes which, according to Dr Maoshing Ni, Hollywood's hottest doctor of Chinese medicine and an authority on anti-ageing, not only contain wrinkle-beating properties (vitamin E) but also prevent tummy bloating and ease elimination with a natural laxative-like effect.

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood - Celebrity Diet Tips - Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets - Celebrity Diets - Marie Claire - Marie Claire UK
American Idol winner and country singing star Carrie Underwood has gone from a size 6 (UK10) to a size 2 (UK6). How did she do it? 'I've got one rule,' she says. 'Never skip breakfast.' Her morning munchie is usually a Luna Bar - a protein bar available at health shops. Any other secrets to her weight-loss? 'It's not because of any radical diet. It's the little things like cutting out the margaritas and daiquiris, replacing sugary drinks with green tea, and white breads with wholegrains.'


Guide To A Healthy Gut


Sara Stanner:
The bacteria in the gut alters with age, and constipation, diverticular disease and cancers become more common. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects adults of all ages but often begins in early adulthood.
A high-fibre intake (wholegrains, brown pasta and rice, fruit and vegetables) protects against diverticular disease, hiatus hernia and colon cancer and provides relief from constipation (especially when fluid intake and physical activity are also increased).
Keep your intake of red/processed meat down (no more than 60g per day/500g per week).
Avoid lactose (dairy products), gas-producing vegetables (beans and broccoli), fatty foods and alcohol, as these aggravate symptoms.
A high intake of fibre can relieve symptoms for IBS sufferers (often those with mild constipation).
Probiotics may improve the balance of gut bacteria and help ease IBS and also Crohn’s disease.

Tony Gallagher:
Light exercise improves the digestive system functions by reducing stress and anxiety, which contribute to digestive disorders, and protects against bowel symptoms.
Allow two hours after a meal before you exercise.
Ride your bike to reduce heartburn.
Light exercise that increases breathing and heart rate helps to produce more efficient bowel movements. But take care: since most exercise quells appetite and increases metabolic function, some endurance sports can cause upset stomachs/diarrhoea.
Straightening out the abdomen can help combat bloating and cramps. Put your hands behind your back, resting on the hips, and do a slight backbend (hold for 20-30 seconds).

Dr Rutherford:
The national bowel cancer screening service helps pick up people at the early stages of the disease, when it has the highest chance of a cure. Everyone should make use of this simple stool test for blood.

Reduce the amount of red meat in your diet, eat more fruit and veg, stop smoking (it is associated with cancers of the stomach and gullet, mouth and throat) and keep on top of your weight and alcohol intake.


Friday 26 September 2014




Blood pressure: a normal level is 120/80 (140/90 qualifies as stage one hypertension, and 90/60 qualifies as hypotension)
Body mass index (BMI): 18.5 to 24.9 indicates a healthy weight
Waist circumference: maximum of 37in/94cm (men), 31.5in/80cm (women)
Alcohol units: 2 per day (men); 1 per day (women)
A half pint/a small glass of wine is one unit
Salt: 6g or less daily
Fat: 90-95g (men); 70g women
Sugar: 120g (men); 90g (women)
Caffeine :2-4 cups coffee or 4-6 cups tea

Being just 1-2 per cent dehydrated can reduce sport performance by as much as 20 per cent. Your urine should be the colour of pale straw – if any darker, you need more water. 

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Flat Belly Diet Pancakes mmmmmm

Banana Pancakes with Walnut Honey

Banana Pancakes with Walnut Honey

Honey and walnuts make the perfect sweet and crunchy topping for these sensational pancakes. Our Flat Belly Diet pancake mix can serve double-duty for waffles and fruit crêpe recipes.
TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes
Pancakes1⅓ c Easy Pancake Mix* or store-bought, trans-fat free pancake mix
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
1 c low-fat buttermilk
¼ c water
1 egg
1 Tbsp canola oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 lg banana, halved lengthwise and cut thin slices
½ c fresh raspberries
Walnut Honey
½ c walnuts, chopped  (MUFA)
⅓ c honey
1 Tbsp water
1. COMBINE the pancake mix and cinnamon in a large bowl. Combine the buttermilk, water, egg, oil, and vanilla extract in a separate bowl. Whisk into the pancake mix and stir until smooth. Fold in the banana. Set aside.
2. COMBINE the walnuts, honey, and water in a small bowl.
3. COAT a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray and set over medium heat. Add the pancake batter in scant ¼ cupfuls and cook, in batches, for about 2 minutes or until the pancakes have puffed and the undersides are lightly browned. Turn the pancakes and cook for about 2 minutes longer or until lightly browned. Serve with the walnut honey and raspberries.
NUTRITION (per serving) 425 cal, 10 g pro, 67 g carb, 15 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 55 mg chol, 387 mg sodium, 5 g fiber
*Easy Pancake Mix
TIME: 5 minutes
1½ c all-purpose flour
1½ c whole wheat pastry flour
6 Tbsp yellow cornmeal
6 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
COMBINE the all-purpose flour, pastry flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl and mix well. Store in a cool, dry place.


Kim Zolciak Bikini Photo: Did She Get Plastic Surgery?

Kim Zolciak Bikini Photo: Did She Get Plastic Surgery?

Kim Zolciak is very proud of her bikini body in all its curvalicious glory.
This is undisputed. Did she have work done on it, though? Less clear.
“I’m loving my new swimsuits,” Kim gushed, for good reason, in the caption to these sexy new photos of her front and backside that she posted to Instagram.
Kim Zolciak Swimsuit Pics
But some say the Don’t Be Tardy and former Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member is loving the results of a recent boob job and tummy tuck even more.
The mother of six, who gave birth to twins Kane and Kaia last November, consulted plastic surgeon Lenny Hochstein in a scene on her show.
Zolciak admits to the doctor that she was looking to "touch up" a previous boob job, remaining busty double D but “perkier” with a “teardrop shape.”
Yes, people actually think and talk like this.
Dr. Hochstein agreed to do double-duty on Kim, fixing his 36-year-old client’s hernia and tightening the skin on her stomach all at the same time.
Has he gone through with it as promised?
Very possible, but the wife of NFL star Kroy Biermann has been gushing over her latest dietary approach, not her doctor on Instagram. She writes:


Monday 22 September 2014

5 Do’s and Don’ts for Weight Loss Motivation

5 Do’s and Don’ts for Weight Loss Motivation

Photo: Getty Images

A study released last week made fewer headlines than I hoped it would. Conducted by University College London, it concluded that discrimination against overweight and obese people, or “fat shaming” as it’s often referred to, leads to weight gain, not weight loss. The lead researcher stated, and I agree, that there is no justification for discrimination against people because of their weight, which may include being treated disrespectfully, or being harassed.
Trouble is, many of my clients fat shame themselves, and talk to themselves silently in ways that they’re often too embarrassed to share with me out loud. If you find yourself doing this, I hope you can stop, because in my 15+ years of helping clients lose weight, I’ve seen this pattern only lead to discouragement, or depression, and abandonment of health and weight loss goals.
If you really want to motivate yourself to slim down and healthy up, especially in ways that will last, consider these five Do’s and Don’ts.

Don’t: Beat Yourself Up

In my experience, one of the main triggers of throwing in the towel is negative self-talk. Coming down hard on yourself for small indiscretions, like sneaking an extra square of dark chocolate, or taking a bite off your partner’s plate, can have damaging consequences, including emotional eating, or engaging in risky purging behaviors (e.g. compensating by undereating, overexercising, taking laxatives or diet pills, vomiting…). One exercise I often carry out with my clients is to compare how they talk to themselves to what they would say to their best friend if he or she were in the same circumstances.

The comparisons are eye opening, and the objective is to consciously work on adopting the same kind of nurturing, caring, and encouraging dialogue you use with the people you respect and love with yourself. I’ve seen just this one change result in major shifts in motivation, as well as transitions from on again/off again yo-yoing to steady, sustainable strides. In other words, just committing to being nice to yourself has the power to transform your relationship with food, your body, and your health.

Do: Celebrate Every Success

Most of my clients want to reward themselves when they hit their weight goal, perhaps with new clothes, a trip, or a spa service. But I encourage them not to wait. When you’re working on changing your lifestyle, there are numerous victories along the way, and each one should be honored. One client recently told me that it dawned on her that she automatically reaches for water over diet soda, and no longer misses her former daily fix—that’s a huge win! Another shared that her kids are now asking for fruits and veggies. A third remarked that everyone’s been commenting on how radiant her skin looks.

Even if you’re still pounds away from your weight goal, revel in these achievements, and commemorate them, even if just in small ways, like buying flowers for your office or home, doing a happy dance in your living room, or taking a silly selfie to share with a friend. Recognizing these moments will keep you going, and it’s important to recognize that they’re really the foundation of your long-term success.

Don’t: Focus Solely on Your Weight

One of the reasons the “do” above is so important is that it creates a shift in perspective. When I’ve worked with clients who remain laser focused on weight, they’re often willing to compromise health for the sake of weight loss. For example, I’ve had really smart clients tell me they took up smoking, fully knowing the risks, as a means of losing weight. As a health professional that makes me very sad, and it’s one of the reasons why I talk to clients about things like mood, sleep quality, energy, immunity, digestive health, strength, endurance, and help them monitor health indicators like blood pressure, cholesterol, and liver values. I generally find that over time, all of these factors that contribute to wellness, become much stronger motivators than weight or size, because they so strongly influence day to day quality of life. When this happens, you may even decide to banish the scale altogether, which is incredibly freeing, because you’ll have far better—and less fickle—ways of gauging your progress.

Do: Find Positive Support

I hate to say it, but most of my clients have at least one person in their lives who either consciously or unconsciously sabotages their healthy efforts. It may be a significant other who doesn’t want to lose his or her partner in crime, so in turn brings home a box of donuts or a piping hot pizza. Sometimes it’s a competitive co-worker who becomes critical, or a family member who says things like, “You don’t need to lose weight.” A lack of support, even from those you’re close to, is a common conundrum for most people who’ve adopted healthier habits.

You may not be able to change this, but you can counterbalance it by finding positive support. Even if your cheerleader or confidant is online or long-distance, just having at least one person in your corner who really gets what you’re trying to do and is on the same page can help you stay on track. Spending a little time each day on social media can also help, as long as it’s empowering, so find ways to connect that make you feel like you’re not in this alone.

Don’t: Set Unrealistic Expectations

One of the biggest pitfalls I see is setting unrealistic expectations, either results-wise (e.g. I’m going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days), or behavior wise, such as vowing to work out seven days a week, or cut out all carbs. On the flip side, the lasting transformations I see—that is, people who lose weight healthfully and keep it off for good—come from focusing on progress and consistency, not strictness or perfection. You know yourself better than anyone else. If you can’t realistically see yourself maintaining a goal you’ve set for yourself one, three, or six months from now, modify it. When I ask my clients about their weight history, most tell me they’ve lost and gained back the same 20 or so pounds over and over again. And what finally allows them to shed it for good is ditching any approach they know that can’t stick with!


Friday 19 September 2014

5 Things You Need to Know to Get Lean

5 Things You Need to Know to Get Lean

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
If you’re looking to get mean and lean, you’ve come to the right place! Summer winding down which means fewer distractions like vacations and BBQ’s to derail your fitness goals. Now is the perfect time to ramp your workouts into high gear and get that physique you have always wanted.
You’ll need to live by these 5 rules in the gym—and the kitchen!—to help reveal that lean body.

Get enough protein

Protein takes the most energy to digest: Between 20 and 30% of the calories in each gram of protein are burned during digestion, compared to 5-10% of the calories in carbohydrates. So if you eat 100 calories’ worth of protein, you’re left with 70 to 80 calories after digestion, versus 90 to 95 calories from carbs. It adds up fast and your waistline will thank you. Protein is also essential for repairing your muscles after workouts. Most women need between 50 and 60 grams per day, but it depends on your weight and activity level. So next time you’re thinking of snacking on those baked chips, grab a Greek yogurt or some string cheese instead.

Do more interval training

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: To get the most bang for your buck, high-intensity interval training is the way to go. It involves a mix of exercise types, like strength-training and cardio, with minimal rest between moves (like 15 to 30 seconds). Not only is it the most time-efficient workout style, it has been proven to burn more fat and calories than a traditional steady-state cardio workout. You’ll also continue to burn more calories and fat in the 24 hours after you finish—an added bonus. Aim to do interval training up to 3 times a week, but no more. Just like anything else too much of a good thing can backfire. You want to give your body ample time to recover. Try this 15-Minute Workout to Change Your Fat to Muscle.

Take photos and track progress

When you look in the mirror to try to see the effects of your workout routine, sometimes it can be hard to notice any results if you have nothing to compare it to. Take pictures throughout all the different stages of your workout and diet efforts so you have a benchmark. This will also help motivate you as you can see your body actively changing week to week. Think of this to push you through that last grinding round of intervals.

Lift heavier weights

To make sure you’re working your muscles to their fullest potential, try adding heavier weights to your workout once or twice a week. By switching up your routine and challenging your muscles with weights they’re not familiar with, they’ll be forced to work harder, change body composition, and increase your lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn throughout the day. So instead of grabbing your usual dumbbells, reach for the next heaviest weight, whether that’s 10 pounds, 12, 15, or more.

Get sporty

Sometimes we need a change from the routine, so make a game out of your next workout! Doing something like playing volleyball or soccer will get your blood flowing, muscles burning and you’ll be torching calories all while you’re having fun. Since sports have you running in all different directions you get a better cardio workout versus a linear cardio regimen on the treadmill. You don’t have to be good at sports to play them; just get out there and have a good time while toning your lean body.


15-Minute Workout to Change Your Fat to Muscle

A 15-Minute Workout to Change Your Fat to Muscle

The truth is you can’t turn one type of tissue into another. But you can burn more fat and build muscle with short, intense bursts of exercise that raise your heart rate and get your body working as efficiently as possible.
This type of high-intensity training over a short period of time can actually burn more fat than moderately-paced, longer cardio sessions. The key to a workout like this is to strap on a heart rate monitor and keep your heart rate at 80% of your target. Try this 15-minute workout every day to start seeing real results.
1. 30 Seconds of Burpees

  • Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Kick your feet back to a pushup position.
  • Immediately return your feet to the squat position.
  • Leap up as high as possible from the squat position.
15 Seconds of Rest
Take 15 seconds to catch your breath!
2. 20 Split Lunges on Each side
  • Stand with one foot forward and one leg behind you.
  • Bend both knees and lower your body weight down towards the floor keeping your chest lifted and shoulders open and relaxed.
  • Then push up explosively and jump off the ground.
  • Switch your legs in mid air and then land with your opposite feet forward and back from where your started.
  • As you land, bend both knees so as to soften the landing.
  • Push back up again explosively and switch your legs around back to start position.
15 Seconds of Rest
3. 30 Seconds of Mountain Climbers
  • Begin in a pushup position on the hands and toes
  • Bring the right knee in towards the chest, resting the foot on the floor
  • Jump up and switch feet in the air, bringing the left foot in and the right foot
  • Continue alternating the feet as fast as you can
4. 20 More Split Lunges on Each Side
15 Seconds of Rest
5. 30 Seconds of Tricep Towers
  • Start in a plank position on your elbows and toes.
  • Keeping your alignment and go onto your hands, one side at a time.
  • Go back down to resting on your elbows
Repeat the entire series 3 times!


Wednesday 17 September 2014

15 Best Diet Tips Ever

15 best diet tips ever

WebMD Medical Reference
Medically Reviewed by Dr Rob Hicks

Everyone knows the key to losing weight is to eat less and exercise more. Sounds simple enough, but in the context of real life and its demands, it can be anything but simple. So how do successful losers do it? Here are 15 top diet tips.

1: Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need. If you don't like plain water, try adding a slice of citrus fruit or a splash of juice. Brew infused teas like mango or peach, which have lots of flavour but no calories.

2: Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away.

Start by focusing on getting the recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables each day. It sounds like a lot, but it is well worth it, because at the same time you are meeting your fibre goals and feeling more satisfied from the volume of food. You're also less likely to overeat because fruit and vegetables displace fat in the diet, not to mention the health benefits of fruit and vegetables. To get more vegetables into your diet work them into meals instead of just serving them as sides on a plate.
3: Consider whether you're really hungry.
Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger.
Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it. When you’ve finished eating, you should feel better, not stuffed, bloated or tired.
Keeping your portion sizes reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.

4: Be choosy about night-time snacks.

Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.
Sitting down with a packet of crisps or biscuits in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, just out of habit.
To stop doing this either make the kitchen out of bounds after a certain hour, or allow yourself a low-calorie snack.

5: Enjoy your favourite foods.

Putting your favourite foods off limits leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating, say experts.
Instead of cutting out your favourite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh biscuit instead of a packet, or a small portion of sweets instead of a whole bag.
Basically, enjoy your favourite foods but in moderation.

6: Enjoy your treats away from home.

When you need a treat, consider taking a walk to the shop or planning a family outing to get it.
By making it into an adventure, you don't have to worry about the temptation of having treats in the house. 
When you just can't get out, stock your kitchen with fresh fruit, which can be every bit as delicious as any other dessert.

7: Eat several mini-meals during the day.

If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. When you're hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be challenging.
Studies show people who eat four to five meals or snacks per day are better able to control their appetite and weight.
Consider dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoying as many of them as you can early in the day as dinner should be the last time you eat.

8: Eat protein at every meal.

Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats and thus may be a secret weapon in weight control.
Diets higher in protein and moderate in carbohydrates, along with a lifestyle of regular exercise, have an excellent potential to help weight loss, say experts.
Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yoghurt, cheese, nuts or beans in meals and snacks.

9: Spice it up.

Add spices or chillies to your food for a flavour boost that can help you feel satisfied.
Food that is loaded with flavour will stimulate your taste buds and be more satisfying so you won't eat as much.

10: Stock your kitchen with healthy convenience foods.

Having ready-to-eat snacks and staples on hand sets you up for success. You'll be less likely to give in to temptation if you can make a healthy meal in five or 10 minutes.
Stock your kitchen with:
  • Fat-free microwave popcorn
  • Frozen vegetables
  • Bags of pre-washed vegetables
  • Tins of chopped tomatoes
  • Tinned beans
  • Whole grain wraps or pitta breads
  • Pre-cooked grilled chicken breasts
  • A few containers of pre-cooked brown rice.

11: Order children’s portions in restaurants.

When you are eating out, order a child's meal or a small sandwich as an easy way to trim calories and get your portions under control. 
Another trick is to use smaller plates. This helps the portions look like more, and if your mind is satisfied, your stomach is likely to be, too.

12: Eat foods in season.

If you don't like certain fruit or vegetables, it could be because you ate them out of season when they have little taste or flavour. When you eat seasonally, fruit and vegetables taste better.

13: Swap a cup of pasta for a cup of vegetables.

Simply by eating less pasta or bread and more vegetables, you could go down a dress size in a year.
You can save between 100 and 200 calories if you reduce the portion of starch on your plate and increase the amount of vegetables.

14: Use non-food alternatives to cope with stress.

Sooner or later, you're going to be faced with a stressful situation. Instead of turning to food for comfort, be prepared with some non-food tactics that work for you.
These could include reading a few chapters in a novel, listening to music, writing in a diary or practising meditative deep breathing.

15: Be physically active.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, don't use exercise either to punish yourself for eating or to "earn" the right to eat more.
When you do this it sets up a negative thought pattern, which is why so many people say they hate to exercise.
Instead, focus on how great you feel, how much better you sleep and how much more energy you have when you exercise. Physical activity is good for you whether you are trying to lose weight or not, so keep it positive and build a lifelong habit.


Monday 15 September 2014

Workout And Diet Secrets Of Top Fitness Coaches

Workout and diet secrets of top fitness coaches

We look to personal trainers to guide us in the gym, but how do the instructors themselves maintain their perfectly honed body?
BY Katy Young 
Nathalie Schyllert
Nathalie Schyllert Photo: Amber Rowlands
More than a quarter of British adults are classified as clinically obese. No surprise, then, that only one in three of us does any kind of exercise, and seven out of 10 men and eight out of 10 women fall well below their optimum activity level. But it is at this time of year, after a couple of weeks of eating more and moving less, that the idea of a better eating and exercise plan starts to have some sort of appeal. And who better to inspire you to get on that healthy treadmill than some of the world's most experienced - and strictest - personal trainers.

Nathalie Schyllert, 30 (above) 

When Nathalie Schyllert left the Royal Ballet School at 15 years old because of an injury to her foot, exercise became her obsession - kick-boxing and yoga filled the void that ending five hours of ballet a day had left open. Her ballerina frame turned into an athletic 'sporty, healthy' body that won her modelling contracts with Stella McCartney, Adidas
, Vogue and Elle. But while good genes and a naturally active disposition played their part (her mother, too, had that dream body), Schyllert works hard in the gym. To keep her stomach flat and her arms and legs toned but not bulky ('something I have to really watch'), she trains at the gym where she also works as a personal trainer. Bodyism is the exclusive one-to-one personal training company based at the Bulgari Hotel in London. 'It's lengthening, strengthening and toning circuits and the clean and lean lifestyle that really works for me,' she says.

Three things that make a difference
Less stress is imperative. However it's caused - whether it's work, friends, family or even food-related [culprit foods include coffee and sugar] - an increase in the level of the stress hormone cortisol causes us to hold on to weight, particularly around the middle. Eat as much natural food as you can, cutting out sugar and bad carbs including pasta, bread, sweets, fizzy drinks and alcohol. Don't do long runs if you hate them. Do something you like; not only will you stick to it, you'll also be far less stressed so you'll lose more weight.

Weekly exercise routine
I pack in a lot around my working day, which starts at seven, either before my first client or during my lunch break. I usually manage two Bodyism training sessions, two hour-long dynamic yoga sessions and one regeneration session (either stretching, foam rolling my legs or a massage), plus I walk to and from work, which takes 20 minutes each way.

Total: 9½ hours per week.
Typical food diary I eat at least five times a day - you have to if you want to keep the metabolism revving. But that means preparing food to bring into work, unless I'm eating off the Bodyism menu at the hotel where we train. Options include sea bass and steamed vegetables or pan-seared lamb and aubergine. I'm lucky as I never crave the bad stuff, rarely have a blowout and hardly drink unless I'm at a birthday or a wedding, where I might have a bit of champagne.

Breakfast, 7am: two eggs and a green juice of a combination like kale, spinach and celery. 
Snack, 10am: a handful of almonds. 
Lunch, 12.30pm: salmon with spinach and quinoa brought from home. 
Snack, 4pm: three slices of turkey. 
Dinner, 6.30pm: prawn and avocado salad.

How do you stay motivated? I never step on my scales; I use my mirror or clothes to gauge my shape. Over Christmas I took no more than two days out from my usual plan. A couple of weeks out and you just gain too much weight.

Dalton Wong, 36
'Teaching people how to get fit and healthy is the only job I know,' says Dalton Wong, the founder the holistic training studio Twenty Two Training
(, which lists some of Hollywood's biggest names on its books, including Jennifer Lawrence. Wong was born in Canada and moved to London in the late 1990s. He injects energy into classic one-to-one personal training (his dynamic circuit training mixes weights, cardio machines and stretching) in his gym studio in South Kensington. 'My father died of a heart attack when I was 10, and from that moment on I was made to exercise and eat for my health by my mother, and it stuck. I still think like that today.'
Three things that make a difference A body plan is key. I watch gym addicts train day in, day out but you just won't see change if you don't know what you're aiming for. It's mindless training. Just like a financial plan, you have to record your starting point [your vital statistics, and how fit you are], your budget [how much time you have to train], and your goal [your dream weight or how far you want to be able to run or how many reps you'll be able to lift]. Recording change - using old fashioned pen and paper, not an app; taking your phone into the gym is just a distraction - is the best drive you can give yourself. Set a good balance; there's no point working out so hard that you can't stop. Relax and enjoy your new body. As a rule I take one day off a week, and a week off every eight weeks. A good diet needs balance, too. I eat well for 80 per cent of the time and relax for 20 per cent. And most importantly never feel guilty if you eat badly. Remember, you're only one meal away from getting back on track.
Weekly exercise routine I always make time in my diary for exercise, treating it like an appointment. I have to make sure nothing clashes - it's as important as my work. I start work at 7am but make room for 90-minute Brazilian ju jitsu classes, a form of martial art, four times a week, two of my circuit-based sessions and 15 minutes of stretching to work on flexibility at least four nights a week. The hip flexor stretch is so good, particularly for anyone who sits at a desk all day. Get into the lunge position, lowering the back leg right to the floor, and step the other leg all the way through until you feel your hip muscle open out. Repeat on the other side.
Total: nine hours a week.
Typical food diary I eat a balanced diet but I do plan ahead - I always know what I'm eating tomorrow. I'll cook two portions for dinner and take the second one in for breakfast, something like salmon and spinach or a vegetable and chicken stir-fry. But I take my foot off the brake and eat out a couple of nights a week, plus I reckon drinking three units of alcohol a week is fine. It's far better for your health to relax a bit. One good tip is to choose a protein-based main and then go for a starter that is soup- or salad-based. I'll have desserts, too, but they're best shared, two mouthfuls satisfies a craving, any more is gluttony. The only thing my friends ever notice is how much I eat; I always order double the vegetables, restaurants always skimp on them. If I feel like I've gone off track I'll do a juice cleanse; my favourite is the sugar-free five-day juice delivery company Radiance Cleanse [].
Breakfast, 7am: my prepared meal from the night before, an espresso, and we keep a juicer at the TwentyTwo studios as we all have green juices in the morning with kale, spinach, celery and pear.
Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll add ginger to boost my immune system or lemon for extra vitamin C. It's a truer, more effective way to get the right vitamins into your body.

Snack, 11am; half an apple spread with almond nut butter. 
Lunch, 1pm: home-made turkey super-salad, with peppers, alfalfa sprouts, sunflower seeds and brown rice. 
Snack, 3pm: a few almonds. 
Dinner, 7pm: a stir-fry with chicken.

Striking a balance is key for me; over Christmas I didn't go into the gym as much but I made sure I stayed active by switching a run for a walk. A few days at a lower intensity won't affect your weight.
How do you stay motivated? I'm naturally competitive; I like beating my own targets and other people. For real focus I enter Twenty Two into triathlons, marathons and competitions like the Tough Mudder [] as a team.

David Higgins, 36
Growing up in the great outdoors with brothers in Melbourne, Australia, David Higgins has activity in his DNA. 'Exercise has always been, and still is, fun for me. It doesn't feel like a chore. And becoming a trainer after university where I studied exercise physiology and sports science felt so natural.' He moved to London in 2004 and in 2007 set up Ten Pilates (, the supercool dynamic Pilates studio in London, and the current celebrity favourite for body sculpting, slimming and toning.
Three things that make a difference Water: I recommend a minimum of two litres a day. If you're dehydrated you just won't get as much from any workout.
Classes: they push you far more than you can ever push yourself. Failing that, work out with a friend - competition is always a good motivator.
Staying positive: having that inner voice saying Yes you can, rather than No you can't, is the most powerful and inspiring tool that you can have.'
Weekly exercise routine I prioritise fitness over everything. I put it in my diary and it stays there; meetings just have to work around exercise because I need two hours of weight training a week, as much for my mind as for my body. But I'm lucky. Part of my job is teaching three spin Cardiolates classes - a cycling and Pilates hybrid - and I've made it company policy to join two dynamic reformer bed Pilates classes a week.
Total: seven hours a week.
Typical food diary I'm never stuck behind a desk. I'm on my feet or training all day so I burn off about 5,000 calories a day. Putting on weight isn't a problem for me, and apart from a couple of scotches on the rocks at the weekends I'm not a big drinker, either, so I can afford to be relaxed about what I eat; but I do make a point of setting aside time in my diary to eat.

Breakfast, 6am: muesli and cup of tea. 
Lunch, 12pm: chicken or tuna sandwich or a jacket potato. 
Dinner: steamed vegetables with fish or chicken and brown rice.

I won't be making a tough new year's resolution to compensate for a few glasses of wine and some mince pies over Christmas. You never stick to it and for me it's all about consistency. Instead I might book myself in for an MoT, with a sports massage or general physio check-up at Ten Pilates, to check I'm good to go again.
How do you stay motivated? By setting goals and celebrating when you hit them.

Nathalie Desmier, 26
At the age of 16, Nathalie Desmier made the decision to leave athletics after three years competing at county level to become a professional dancer. She now does music videos, commercials and shows, tours as a dancer with bands, and works as a trainer at London's new retro dance studio Frame (in Shoreditch and Queens Park). Desmier has made her work life into her workout, which means she never veers from her petite
but perfectly toned body - despite her chocolate habit. But when you're racking up 18 hours a week, who's counting calories?
Three things that make a difference Regular intensive cardio workouts with stretching and toning; it means burning calories to keep the weight down but lengthening and toning at the same time so you don't bulk up.
Eat breakfast if you want to work out well.
Music. It has a massive impact on a workout. Whenever people come into my class looking lethargic, good music always peps them up.
Weekly exercise routine I'm working out all the time by teaching about 15 classes a week. I also love adding in a Pilates class to work on my strength and flexibility, too. Then there are the professional auditions and classes, which can last up to eight hours. I try to include a bit of cardio, toning and strengthening every day, and make it a habit to have one day of recovery a week.
Total: 18 hours a week.
Typical food diary I usually plan my food diary the night before - it's easier to take meals into work as that way I won't let my sweet tooth sway me. I keep snacks in my bag, too, and sometimes a chocolate bar. I have a couple of Bounty bars a week. But I don't really drink - maybe four times a month I'll have a glass of rosé. And I avoid
coffee. Overall I'm lucky, I don't have a massive appetite and portion size is key.
Breakfast: cereal and a cup of coffee - the time varies but I have it as soon as I wake up as I'm always starving.
Lunch: roll with salad and chicken, and yogurt.
Dinner: the biggest meal, including protein, some carbs and vegetables, often a treat like ice cream.
How do you stay motivated? I've got a loud inner voice which tells me to push myself; plus the dance industry is so competitive I have to look my best. If I know I have a big job or audition coming up I just picture that bikini - it always works. Over Christmas I cut my training to around half the hours to give my body a break. But I always step up my training in the new year.

Nicole Winhoffer, 28
Growing up in New Jersey with three soccer-mad brothers, Winhoffer is as fit and competitive as they come. She made her debut as a professional dancer on Broadway at 17, and has been Madonna's personal trainer for the past three years. She is also one of her choreographers on tour. Winhoffer works out for 30 hours a week. 'It is a real commitment that takes scheduling and planning,' she says.
Three things that make a difference Work out on an empty stomach in the morning so your body goes directly into the fat stores for energy. Do this for one week straight and I promise you will see change. Give it your all. You have to put 110 per cent effort into every workout to see results. I swear by probiotics for staying lean and sculpted.
Weekly exercise routine Personal workouts, client training and dancing daily.
Total: up to 30 hours a week.

Typical food diary I plan and pack all my foods - and if I'm on tour I work with the hotels and cater ahead for specific foods. I often travel with my box of steamed vegetables and lean protein so I don't get caught out. If I eat out, I make a special request for a green salad with some grilled fish or chicken and a little olive oil. And any time I have a hunger urge I drink 10 gulps of water and then wait 10 minutes. I aim for three litres every day. Three small snacks: I love the sugar-free, glutenfree, 20g protein-packed Think Thin protein bars, [£21.60 for 10,], and the green juices with kale, apple, spinach, celery and parsley from the American juicing company Blue Print Cleanse, [] and whey protein shakes. Two or three eggs (which I hard-boil six at a time) are a good snack [she eats two whole eggs and just the yolk of the third] and apples, too.' Dinner: grilled chicken, greens and puréed soups. Sometimes a glass of white wine, or a warm baguette and butter as a 'limited' treat. Alcohol is pure sugar, and if I do ever enjoy a glass of wine I cut down on calories, carbs and increase my cardio.  


Monday 8 September 2014

12 tips to help you lose weight.

12 tips to help you lose weight

Free NHS Weight Loss Guide

Get off to the best possible start on the NHS Choices 12-week weight loss plan with these 12 diet and exercise tips.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

Research shows that eating breakfast helps you control your weight. Some people skip breakfast as they think it will help them loose weight but missing meals doesn’t help us lose weight and isn’t good for us because we can miss out on essential nutrients.  It could also encourage us to snack more throughout the day because you feel hungry’. Check out five healthy breakfasts.

2. Eat regular meals

Some people think missing meals will help them lose weight, but it has been shown that eating regularly during the day helps to burn calories at a faster rate as well as reduce the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar. Find out more about eating heathily.

3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat and high in fibre – three essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals. Read up on getting your 5 A Day.

4. Get more active

Studies show that regular activity is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing numerous health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone. Find an activity you enjoy and are able to fit into your routine.

5. Drink plenty of water

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need. You should aim to drink about six to eight glasses (1.2 litres) of fluid, preferably water, every day – or more if it’s warm or you’re exercising.

6. Eat high-fibre foods

Foods containing lots of fibre will keep you feeling full for longer, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, beans, peas and lentils.

7. Read food labels

Knowing how to read food labels can help you choose healthier options, and keep a check on the amount of calories, fat, salt and sugars you eat. Use the calorie information to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie allowance on the weight loss plan. Find out more about reading food labels.

8. Use a smaller plate

Studies show that people who use smaller plates tend to eat smaller portions and still be satisfied. By eating with smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

9. Don’t ban foods

Don’t ban any foods from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you like. Banning foods will only make you crave them more. There’s no reason you can’t enjoy the occasional treat as long as you stay within your daily calorie allowance.

10. Don't stock junk food

To avoid temptation, avoid stocking junk food, such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks, at home. Instead, stock up on healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn and fruit juice.

11. Cut down on alcohol

Did you know a standard glass of wine can contain as many calories as a piece of chocolate, and a pint of lager has about the same calorie count as a packet of crisps? Over time, drinking too much can easily contribute to weight gain. Find out more about calories in alcohol.

12. Plan your meals

Plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. Try to plan for four to seven days’ worth of meals and snacks. Make a shopping list, but don’t shop when you’re hungry as that can lead to high-calorie impulse buys!


Friday 5 September 2014

Getting Pregnant Jokes

Jokes About Getting Pregnant

Q. Am I more likely to get pregnant if my husband wears boxers instead of briefs?
A. Yes, but you'll have an even better chance if he doesn't wear anything at all.

Q. What do you call a pregnancy that is started while using birth control?
A. A Misconception

Q. What is the easiest way to figure out exactly when I got pregnant?
A. Only have sex once a year.

Q. Can a woman get pregnant from a toilet seat?
A. Yes, but the baby will be awfully funny looking!

Q. What is a chastity belt?
A. A labor saving device

Q. Can a mother get pregnant if she is nursing?
A. Yes, but it's a lot easier if she removes the baby from her breast and puts him to sleep first.


Wednesday 3 September 2014

Funny Pregnancy Jokes

Joke About Determining Gender

Three pregnant women are sitting in a cafe having lunch, when one of them says, "I know that I'm going to have a boy."
The other two women think about that for a moment, and then one of them says, "OK, how do you know you're going to have a boy?"
"Well, when the child was conceived," says the first women, "I was on top. So I'm going to have a boy."
They sit and eat for a few minutes more, and then the second woman says, "Well, I'm going to have a girl."
"OK," says the first one, "how do you know you're going to have a girl?"
"Well, when my child was conceived, I was on the bottom. So I'm going to have a girl."
They sit and eat for a few minutes more, the third woman obviously getting more and more distressed, until finally she breaks down into horrible sobbing.
"What's wrong?" the first two women ask with concern.
The third woman manages to stifle her sobs long enough to only say one thing....
"I'm going to have a puppy!"

Tuesday 2 September 2014

How To Lose Belly Fat part 3

The "Secrets" behind the 21 Day Belly Blast & Detox Program:
(yes , I know I said 3 earlier but there are really 7 )
  Thermic  Effect Of Food (TEF) - Not all "calories" are created equal.
  • Some foods burn more calories being digested and utilized by the body than others
  • Some foods cause your body to burn fat better (even some which are considered "bad" or "fattening")
  • Some foods actually cause your body to STORE fat (especially around the middle)
  • Some foods (including most "diet" foods) include ingredients that cause you to be hungrier after consuming more calories
  • Some foods (especially "diet" foods) wreak havoc with your metabolism actually slowing it !
Calorie Confusion
  •  Higher calorie days and  lower calorie days combine for maximum fat loss and increased metabolism
MUFAS - monounsaturated fats
  • Keep you full while encouraging your body to BURN stored fat
The 90/10 Rule
  • If you eat high quality, fat burning foods 90% of the time, the other 10% won't matter and the higher calories and fat will actually rev up your metabolism
EPOC - (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption , otherwise known as afterburn)
  •  Exercise programming based on cutting edge science designed to burn maximum calories during and after you workout while creating sleek, shapely muscles with ever movement
Progressions -
  • The Principle of Progression implies that there is an optimal level of overload that should be achieved, and an optimal time frame for this overload to occur. Overload should not be increased too slowly or improvement is slow to unlikely. Instead of adding more days or time, you simply advance to the next more difficult version of your exercise (or "progression") to continue to achieve results
  • Keep It Simple Stupid - Cook the recipes, follow the food plan and do the workouts while you learn all the secrets and tricks so you can keep losing, sculpting and going towards your goals

IT’S Not A Miracle: It's the latest cutting edge in science put to work for YOU

I'm only showing you this because I think it could help. I do not make any money or commission from this but if you would like more information please go to the web site above.

Monday 1 September 2014

How To Lose Belly Fat part 2

WARNING: This Isn’t For Everyone

  • By Dianne Villano

  • If you like avoiding your favorite foods and living on salads and diet foods from a package,  this isn't for you

  • If you like popping pills that leave you jittery or cranky so you can "fight" your hunger, this isn't for you

  • If you like enduring dvds or boot camps that have you training 5-6 days a week leaving you tired and over trained, this isn't for you

  • If you like spending hours upon hours a week running or on the elliptical, wasting your time, aging your body and training it to store fat, this program isn't for you

  • If you like trying each new fad hoping something will FINALLY work, this isn't for you

I'm not going to lie. This isn't a magic bullet and your results won't happen without effort or without making any changes.

Implementing these secrets will require work and planning on your part  but I guarantee, your results will be beyond anything you ever thought possible with less effort than you ever imagined.

Quite simply, I'm going to put the latest in cutting edge research in nutrition and physiology to work for YOU to help you reach your goals with less time and effort than you ever thought possible

With the advent of social media and an uneducated  "fitness expert" on every corner pushing the latest "miracle" in fat loss or workout program designed to "finally" get you the body you want, the flow of misinformation and confusion grows every day along with the American waist line and level of frustration!

Every day
, I  see my friends on Facebook and Twitter jumping on the same fitness and weight loss fads ending, predictably, with the same end results.. few if any and subsequent return to old habits and weight gain.

Every day, I receive the same basic questions and hear the same stories of failed weight loss attempts and failed exercise programs and my heart breaks because I know simple science is the answer to the bodies people deserve to live in. 

 Even the exhaled Dr Oz of cult hero status was recently grilled  by congress for making false and misleading claims regarding products which he promotes.

Every day I see people falling prey to slick marketing and good sales pitches to contribute to the $2.4 BILLION dollar a year diet/fitness industry as our nation gets fatter and fatter. 

That's why I've decided to put my Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology, NASM certification and 18 years of experience together to create this revolutionary program that uses  science to make reaching your goals easier than you ever thought possible!   

This started with a simple program I was going to put together for some of my facebook friends and grew into a ground breaking program that covers every question and gives easy solutions for every issue and reason for "failure" I've encountered over the past 18 years.
Just sit back and let me walk you through EXACTLY what you need to do,  step by step,  to make astounding changes to your body in 3 short weeks and to keep going towards your goals !

Ask yourself these questions to decide if this program is right for you:
  • Do you know that what you eat is 70% of your results but not sure where to start?
  • Have you reached a Plateau in your current program and just can't break it ?
  • Have you tried everything with little to no results only to wind up hungry, binging and gaining your weight back? 
  • Are you "eating right" but just not seeing results?
  • Are you taking ‘fat burners’ that lighten your wallet & not the scale?
  •  Do you want to drop 5-7 pounds your first week and up to 15 pounds in  3?
  • Do you want to put all of the planning and thinking in someone else's   hands and have 3 weeks worth of fat blasting menus planned FOR YOU along with over 40  recipes designed to turn your body into a fat burning machine?
  • Have you always wanted to try a "detox" but are confused by the options and daunted by the thought of living on juice or taking hand fulls of pills?
  • Are you ready to lose the bloat, tame the carb cravings and cleanse your body in a safe and natural manner while you eat real food? 
  • Do you want to increase your energy and take your body and fitness program to the next level?
  • Are you ready to lose your weight once and for all and not go back to your "before" look 6 months after finishing
  • Do you want to put cutting edge nutrition and physiology research to work for YOU to finally achieve the body of your dreams easier than you ever thought possible?
This program was 18 years in the making after working with over 1500 clients of every age, shape and size  in home and in group fitness settings.

Let me help YOU put science to work to get the body you want!
People just like you are getting the results YOU WANT!

Roseanne (left) dropped 5 lbs her first week !!  have lost a total of 10.75” and 7 pounds  including 3” off my hips, 1” off of my thigh,  1.75 off of my waist 1.25 off of my abdomen. The best Part is that for the first time in my life, I don’t feel addicted to food and I haven’t had to starve or deprive myself to get these great results.

My understanding of nutrition now allows me to “Eat Smart Not Less”.  I am making better choices from menus whether at home or dinner out. I am also quite impressed with the results of “effective resistance training” I am finally doing exercises where I can feel the specific muscles being worked! 
 Roseanne H,St Pete Beach, Fl 
ps. Roseanne is over 50 

Jean lost an inch in her waist, hips AND  abdomen to fine tune and take her fitness program and body to the next level ! 

ps. she is closer to 60 than she is to 50

Binata dropped 3 lbs her first week !
Over 35 with 3 kids, like most people, she had been dieting and spending hours on ineffective cardio and a few machines at the gym seeing no results when we met.

She reached that "frustration" point where she thought "why even bother any more"

With a few minor dietary changes and effective exercises, she has a new outlook on food and exercise  and hasn't looked back except to see her firmer, tighter butt !!

Albina (Her daughter) lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks !! She was in the same boat as her mom, trying "everything" to lose weight with the same frustrating results. A little nutrition education and a few weeks later and BAM, new confidence, new body, new outlook on life !

"I can't believe how easy this food plan is. Why doesn't everyone know this?" she said.

For the next installment of the "Reshape your body 21 days" come back to my blog tomorrow
