Friday 21 November 2014

Follow my guide to beating those stubborn fat spots

Today Thunder Thighs and Bingo Wings

Genetics are usually to blame for a pear shape but hormones can also play a part. Max says: “The female hormone oestrogen promotes fat storage around the top of the legs, and many of us are exposed to high levels of both natural oestrogens in water and farmed meat and synthetic versions – chemicals in plastics and non-stick coatings – in the environment.”
Diet: Eat more fruit, vegetables and wholegrains as they contain special substances which bind to, and help excrete, excess oestrogen, advises Max. Cut down on alcohol, painkillers and drinks laden with chemical preservatives and colouring agents as these hamper the liver’s efforts to clear excess oestrogens. And eat live natural yogurt to boost the friendly bacteria in your gut which help clear oestrogen via the gastrointestinal tract.
A study found that more than two cups of coffee a day can trigger higher oestrogen levels in women.
Diet every other day, suggests Miguel. Research shows this helps burn fat and keep muscle. On the day you “diet” you could have green juice for breakfast, lean protein and salad for lunch, and cooked green vegetables and pulses for dinner, with minimum snacks, preferably fruit.
General exercise: Aerobics, climbing and power walking
“Power walking works thighs, calves and buttocks, burns calories and promotes lean muscles,” explains Lovisa Nilsson, nutritionist at Lifesum. High intensity interval training, with squats and lunges, are an efficient way to tone this area. Climbing, hiking in the hills, or treadmill walking on an incline will also help.
Killer exercise: Hip-lifts

Lie on your back with arms at your sides with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Lift hips toward the ceiling. Hold and lower back down.
  • Repeat for 60 seconds, squeezing your bum at the top of the range of motion.
  • To make it harder, extend one leg at the top for 5sec.
  • Keeping hips up, place foot back on the floor then lower your hips. Repeat for 30sec on one leg then swap legs.
Lifestyle tips: If you are on the pill or HRT containing high oestrogen consider talking to your GP about alternatives. Filter water to reduce oestrogen.
Bingo Wings

Upper arm fat can be caused by toxins in the body and also low testosterone levels, particularly in older women. For instance, BPA, (Bisphenol A) a toxin found in some everyday products like plastic food containers, can cause the body to store excess fat, say scientists.
Diet: A calcium-rich diet is associated with higher rates of fat oxidation and the acceleration of fat loss. Dairy foods can convert fat stores into usable energy, so stock up on yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu, sardines with bones and fortified non-dairy milks like soya, rice and oat. Have a protein-rich breakfast three times a week, advises Miguel.
He says: “Try a protein smoothie with good quality protein powder – whey or soy based – a piece of fruit, and a little yogurt. It’s ready in a couple of minutes, really filling, and provides the ideal protein intake to build muscle and provide energy.”  
General exercise: Boxing and yoga
Boxing, body combat classes and yoga – holding the downward dog position, for instance – are all great for working and toning the upper arms. Bikram yoga, which is done in a room heated to 40 degrees, is great for upper arm fat because raising the core temperature helps eliminate a build-up of toxins in the body that strips away bingo wings.
Killer exercise: Triceps dips

  • On a chair, place hands next to the hips then lift up onto the hands and bring the hips forward.
  • Bending the elbows (no more than 90 degrees) lower the hips down.
  • Push back up without locking the elbows and repeat for 15 reps.
Lifestyle tips: Never heat up food, like soup, in plastic containers.

Body brushing from your elbow to armpit helps improve circulation, which will help to give the appearance of having smoother and firmer upper arms.


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