Thursday 23 October 2014

Train for a Triathlon (Yes, You!)

Train for a Triathlon (Yes, You!)

Swim, bike, and run your way to a better body
by Jenny Hadfield
Sick of the same old workouts? If you do at least 30 minutes of cardio three times a week or more, you’re ready to train for a sprint triathlon. Here’s everything you need to know.

Find your best race

It takes most first-timers just under two hours to complete a tri, so look for one with generous finish times. ( is a good source.) Also, choose a lake or pool course (versus ocean), so you won’t have to battle big waves or heavy currents.

Train right: Swim

It’ll take five to six workouts per week for 12 weeks. A suggested schedule:

Swim: Hit the pool twice a week to swim your race distance. Can’t finish the entire segment? Break it into parts at first, but make sure you cover the distance continuously at least once before race day.

Train right: Bike

Go for an hour-long ride one to two times a week and practice your pedaling technique (keeping constant force throughout the cycle), as well as how to smoothly change gears on both flat and hilly terrain.

Spinning classes will help you develop stamina and can replace an outdoor session.

Train right: Run

Work up to running 3-milers one to two times a week. Also, once a week do a bike-to-run "brick"—cycle for 20 to 30 minutes, then immediately do a 1- to 2-mile run. Bricks will improve your endurance and get your body used to running on tired legs.


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