Friday 29 August 2014

How To Lose Belly Fat

How To Lose Belly Fat & Reshape Your Body in 21 Days

By Dianne Villano
  •  Never having to starve yourself or miss out on your favorite foods
Never having to endure another 5 day a week fitness program that doesn't fit into your lifestyle and leaves you burnt out  and injured
Never having to choke down another glass of "juice" or hand full of pills that make you jittery and edgy
     Along with that, picture yourself being able to eat a pizza and ice cream  all while enjoying the trim, sculpted  body you have always  to achieve
This might sound like hype and the start of all of one of those late night infomercials but I promise you, it’s not.

As a matter of fact, you are about to discover how more than 1000 of our in home and online clients have made this dream a reality and how I lost 40 pounds and have kept it off for 26 years.

Yes, those are my 46 year old  abs in the top picture and that is my 46 year old body below rocking the mini skirt  and I generally only work out 3 -4X a week and enjoy my fair share of "forbidden" foods..
    So, how does this dream become a reality?
  It All Starts With  Science
Science  tells us that certain foods work with your own body's metabolism to encourage and speed up weight loss while others cause your body to STORE fat especially around the middle.  

Science  tells us that, long, slow  cardio workouts  actually SABOTAGE your natural ability to burn ugly belly fat, cause you to store fat  and age you faster !
Science has found that the thermic effect of food (TEF) contributes to the fact that calories are not all be equal in terms of weight gain/loss.
Especially as we age, Belly fat can be extremely stubborn but I  have 3 secrets weapons for you  - TEF, MUFAS and EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption , otherwise known as afterburn)                                       
You're probably asking,
"Dianne, if more  cardio, cutting calories and diet foods are so bad for me and are the reason I can reach  my goals, what the heck am I supposed to do ?”
I’m glad you asked.  Right now I’m going to show you exactly what you should be doing instead of dieting, taking pills, drinking juices  and doing hours of cardio and other ineffective workouts. 
 I’m going to show you valuable secrets that you can use to work out for only 2-3X   PER WEEK, never be hungry, eat the foods you like  and get an amazing body.
These secrets  will reverse the aging process, sculpt and shape your body and  turn it into a fat burning machine with less time and effort than you ever thought possible!

Best off, you can do it in the comfort of your own home in just 2-3  workouts a week (although there are more included for more advanced exercisers)

These are secrets, tips and strategies only available to our in home clients and boot campers ... Until NOW !

For the next installment of the Reshape your body 21 days come back to my blog tomorrow


Thursday 28 August 2014

Healthy Weight Loss after Pregnancy

Healthy Weight Loss after Pregnancy - Here's How You Can Lose that Baby Fat.  

by Sandra Elliott
We have all seen the prominent profile big shot mums on the red carpet at film premiers, who merely a few short weeks subsequent to giving birth appear to have regained their appearance and so therefore parade it off by wearing the slinkiest of designer dresses.
So how do they progress back into form so quickly?
Well, they are generally likely to maintain a team of private trainers, dietitians and doctors to help them, not to point out the nanny who looks after the baby so they have time to use getting back in form!
With todays enthusiastic media coverage of big shot mothers, there is more pressure than ever on recent mothers to lose weight quickly. Generally, weight loss following childbirth is much the same as at any other period, although no strenuous working out must be taken ahead of the all clear from your doctor.
Here are a a small number of things to help you lose weight healthily subsequent to pregnancy:
1. Breast feeding is one of the most excellent ways to help budge that surplus baby fat since it uses up supplies of fat in the body equivalent to burning an additional 500 calories each day of the week. If that's not an incentive in support of breast feeding then I don't know what is! Breast feeding can decrease the chance of diabetes and decrease your body's need for insulin if you already suffer diabetes, and can furthermore reduce the chance of osteoporosis. It furthermore helps the uterus contract and return to the pre-pregnancy state.
2. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day of the week will help you to lose weight. Water will ensure that you are appropriately hydrated and will furthermore help if you are suffering from water retention subsequent to giving birth. Eating a lot of fruit, vegetables and high fibre foods will help reduce water retention. Lower your salt intake by avoiding processed and fast foods. Salt will encourage the body to keep hold of water, which is an imperative element in your diet, but its consumption must be measured.
3. Eat healthy foods as your body will need time to recover subsequent to giving birth - if you are breast feeding, now is not the stage to go off on a calorie restrictive diet. Make certain that your diet includes lots of fruit and vegetables and a regular source of lean protein such as chicken and fish. Lean protein is needed for the body to heal itself.
4. When you feel inclined, start doing a little light working out. Going for regular walks with your baby is a useful place to start, and pushing the pushchair will help you to burn calories, get free of stomach fat, and will bring about wonders on those flabby thighs!

By following a healthy weight loss diet and taking regular exercise, your confidence and self-value will blossom and you could be surprised once other mums in your crowd wonder how you look so lovely in such a fleeting interval of time. And the really terrific bonus is that you will gain the benefit of more energy, which will beyond doubt come in handy as the baby progresses to the toddler stage!


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Try Pilates A possible Solution to Post-Natal Weight Loss

Pilates – A possible Solution to Post-Natal Weight Loss

Fit young female pilates instructor Stock Image

Women can generally return to Pilates four to six weeks after delivery, or eight to twelve weeks after a Cesarean section, be sure to check with your doctor before you start any of the exercise routine. Pilates exercises can be adapted to individual needs, so whether you have had a Vaginal or Cesarean delivery, a safe workout can always be developed to target particular muscle groups.
Pilates is a body conditioning routine that seeks to build flexibility, strength, endurance, and coordination without adding muscle bulk. It will help your body regain its shape, tone and restrengthen muscle that have been weakened during your pregnancy. Pilates focuses on strengthening your deep abdominal muscles, your back and your butt. This results in greater pelvic stability and less likelihood that you will sustain an injury in your back. you will also enjoy having a flat, toned and sleek tummy. During an exercise routine, you will be taught to concentrate on your muscles and instructors will guide you through each move and explain why you are performing each move and what your body is doing.
Girls practicing pilates Royalty Free Stock Image
There are two ways to exercise in pilates. Today, most people focus on the mat exercises that require only a floor mat and training. These exercises are designed so that your body uses its own weight as resistance. The other method of pilates uses a variety of machines to tone and strengthen the body, again using the same principle of resistance. Before you start an exercise routine using the machine, ensure your pilates instructor is certified and proficient to teach the correct posture to be use on the machine.
If you want to achieve the maximum slimming effect with least amount of effort, then you should go for the Winsor Pilates exercise. The exercise works every part of your body and focuses on the core muscle groups - abdomen, lower back, hips and buttocks - which are going to burn the most energy for weight loss and make the biggest difference in your physical appearance.
Good news for those who are suffering from Post-Natal Depression, the fantastic thing about pilates is that it not only stretches your body and muscles, Pilates is a kind of program that also challenges you mentally. In order to hold positions and balance yourself, you need focus, concentration and the will to hold it there until the Pilates Instructor says you can change position. It provides you with an avenue where you can forget about whatever problems you are facing and focuses on yourself during the course of the exercise. Pilates helps you refocus your life and for the whole 45 minutes to 1 hour session, your focus is none other than you.
Visit us for more information about learning Pilates and becoming a Pilates Instructor at How to be a Pilates Instructor for Beginners at
Article Source:

Friday 22 August 2014

This bride-to-be lost six stone by TWERKING

This bride-to-be lost six stone by TWERKING
Lindsey Jones now (Picture: Caters)
Tipping the scales at 18st, bride-to-be Lindsey Jones decided it was time to change her tune.
The 33-year-old put down the snacks and boogied away her belly at a Zumba class.
Dancing to a mix of salsa, samba and reggae has helped her shed six stone and drop from a size 22.
Now, three years on and happily married to partner Sid, she has given up her career as a beauty therapist and teaches Zumba classes five times a week.
PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lindsey Jones before the weight loss) - A woman who was shocked into losing weight after ballooning to a size 22 has lost SIX STONE from putting in the time at a dance exercise class. Lindsey Jones, 33, weighed 18 stone when she decided to lose weight before marrying her partner Sid. She joined a Zumba class where dancing to sexy salsa, samba and reggaeton tunes have helped her lose a staggering six stone - and svelte Lindsey has even become an instructor herself. SEE CATERS COPY.
Lindsey Jones before the weight loss (Picture: Caters)
She said: ‘It was getting to the point where a size 20 was too tight and I couldn’t bring myself to look at my real weight. I just cried standing on the scales.
Miley Cyrus is famous for her twerking stunts (Picture: REX)
Miley Cyrus is famous for her twerking stunts (Picture: REX)
‘Cream cakes were my favourite things and I was sat eating one at work when I realised I couldn’t carry on like this and I couldn’t get married at 18 stone.’
In three months she had lost 2st in time for her wedding, and through committed twerking and salsa she lost another 4st.
PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lindsey Jones before the weight loss) - A woman who was shocked into losing weight after ballooning to a size 22 has lost SIX STONE from putting in the time at a dance exercise class. Lindsey Jones, 33, weighed 18 stone when she decided to lose weight before marrying her partner Sid. She joined a Zumba class where dancing to sexy salsa, samba and reggaeton tunes have helped her lose a staggering six stone - and svelte Lindsey has even become an instructor herself. SEE CATERS COPY.
Lindsey Jones before the weight loss (Picture: Caters)
The mother of two, from Bewdley, Worcestershire, was even invited to meet Zumba creator Beto Perez last month.
‘I didn’t like working out or going to the gym but when I turned up to my first Zumba class it was completely different,’ she said. ‘It was like a party.
‘Nobody cared what you looked like or what you were wearing and I just danced away the weight.
‘The moves go with the music and the rhythms from all over the world. It’s been a great way to lose weight.’


Wednesday 20 August 2014

Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss

Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss - Six Simple Strategies For New Moms

A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way.
1) Try to relax and don't be in too much of a hurry to lose your extra pregnancy weight. Remember, it took 9 months for you to put it on, and you should give yourself at least half that amount of time to take it back off. In fact, eight to 12 months is not an unreasonable amount of time to give yourself. And even if it does take a year to get back to your pre-pregnancy size and shape, those pounds are all the more likely to stay off because you've lost them gradually.
You definitely should not be thinking about weight loss at all in the early post-partum weeks. Your body needs this time to recover from giving birth, readjust to its pre-pregnancy state, and establish a milk supply for your baby. Besides, most new moms find that a fair amount of weight tends to melt off all by itself in these first few weeks as excess fluids retained in late pregnancy are gradually shed.
Remember that gradual weight loss based on sensible nutrition and enjoyable physical activity is the best path to permanent weight loss. This applies whether or not weight gain is due to pregnancy, but when you are dealing with all the changes and adjustments that come with having a new baby, it's all the more important to take a slow and steady approach so you don't add to your stress level.
And speaking of stress, recent research shows that when you're stressed, your body releases hormones that can contribute to weight gain. So try not to add to your stress level at this time by putting unreasonable pressure on yourself to lose that extra weight too fast. Instead, take a long term approach and be sure to incorporate some kind of relaxation into your day, whether it's having a nap, a warm bath, or receiving a relaxing back massage.
2) Eat well and nourish yourself with healthy foods so you'll have the energy you need to care for yourself and your baby. If you restrict your calories you'll probably get tired, cranky, and lose energy, making you less apt to exercise and less able to take good care of your baby.
Cutting back too much on your caloric intake can also sabotage your weight loss efforts by forcing your body into "starvation mode." When your body isn't getting enough fuel, it becomes much more efficient at using what you do give it, so that over time you will actually gain weight rather than lose it. You are much better off to eat well and get regular, moderate exercise to help shed those extra pounds.
Remember though, that there is a big difference between eating and eating well! If you eat nourishing foods you will probably feel full sooner and you will likely need fewer calories than if you eat "empty calorie" foods like white bread and french fries. Eat a variety of healthy foods, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and make sure you are getting a proper balance of the major nutrients (protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats). You may want to talk to your doctor or midwife about continuing to take your pre-natal multivitamin, or other supplements, at least during the immediate post-partum period.
Snacking is something you'll probably want to do a lot of, either because you may not always have time to prepare a meal, or because the demands of caring for a new baby mean you get hungry more often.
Here are a few ideas for good, nutrient-dense choices for snack foods:

  • apple slices spread with low fat cream cheese and sprinkled with crushed walnuts 
  • yogurt with chopped fresh fruit and nuts 
  • whole grain toast with nut butter 
  • cheese with whole grain crackers or rice cakes 
  • tomato or mixed vegetable juice with a hard boiled egg

On the other hand, try not to overdo it. Being pregnant or nursing a baby is not a license to indulge in a non-stop buffet of foods, even if they are nutritious! Eat when you are hungry, make healthy food choices most of the time, and remember that your baby is counting on you to choose wisely if you're breastfeeding, so make those calories count nutrient-wise.
In part two of this article, you'll learn why drinking plenty of pure water is important to weight loss in general, and to post-partum weight loss in particular. You'll also find out how many calories a day you'll use by breastfeeding your baby. Part three will teach you how you can burn extra calories easily and enjoyably without huffing and puffing at the gym. You'll also learn the secret that savvy new moms use to effortlessly burn up to an extra 200 calories a day -that's 2 pounds a month with no extra effort!
3) Drink plenty of water. You will probably be very thirsty if you are nursing your baby and you should drink as much as your thirst dictates. But even if you're not breastfeeding, lots of pure water is important in your quest to shed those pregnancy pounds.
First of all, water has no calories, so when compared to other beverages, it's hands down the best bet in terms of weight loss. Diet soft drinks and other low calorie beverages may have only a couple of calories, but your body craves pure water in order to be able to function properly. Besides, many people are concerned about the artificial sweeteners used in these products, and caffeinated diet drinks may increase fussiness in your baby if you're nursing. Go ahead and indulge if this is something you just can't live without, but make sure you're not doing it at the expense of your water needs.
Secondly, water is helpful in the process of burning stored body fat. Studies have shown that not drinking enough water can hinder your weight loss efforts because the liver has to work harder to metabolize waste when your body is not properly hydrated.
And finally, drinking enough water will help you feel full so you eat less. This is especially true if you're eating lots of high fiber foods such as whole grain breads and cereals. The fiber in whole grains will absorb water, making you feel full longer.
Other liquids are fine too, such as juice, milk (dairy or substitutes), and herbal teas. But do try to stay away from those empty calorie soft drinks and anything that's labeled "beverage," "punch" or "drink" instead of "juice." And even though they may be considered healthful, watch your intake of pure fruit juices. Juices contain nutrients that your body needs, but they are a very concentrated source of sugar as well. Whenever possible you are better off to eat a piece of fresh fruit and drink water for thirst.
You should also try to limit your intake of coffee and caffeinated tea. Doing so may help both you and your baby regulate your sleep habits. Some babies get very fussy and hard to settle when mom is breastfeeding and drinks caffeinated beverages.
Drinking lots of water is one of those things that seems easy in theory, but in practice it can be difficult to accomplish. One effective strategy to help make sure you get enough is to place water bottles strategically around the house. You can buy small plastic bottles of water by the case at the grocery store or you can buy the refillable type of bottle that you might take to the gym or on your bike.
Put a bottle anywhere you spend time during the day: near your favourite nursing chair (put several here-you'll probably use them all!), near baby's change table, on the bathroom counter, on top of the washing machine, on the kitchen counter, on your desk, on a shelf near the front door, beside your bed, on the kitchen table, etc. Each morning, spend 3 or 4 minutes making the rounds collecting yesterday's empty bottles and replacing them with fresh ones. This way, you'll be more likely to drink lots of water because there will always be some close at hand.
4) Breastfeed your baby if at all possible. Depending on the age and weight of your baby, you can use around 800 calories a day producing milk for her. Besides the host of other benefits that breastfeeding affords both you and your baby, quicker postnatal weight loss is one advantage that all new moms welcome. Even if you are returning to work or can't breast feed full time for any reason, any amount of breast milk is good for your baby, and as a perk, will help you use up additional calories for as long as you are able to continue.
In addition, breastfeeding releases natural hormones that help you relax. Since the hormones released when you are stressed can contribute to weight gain, it only makes sense to counter this with activities that help you relax. Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to do this, and you and your baby will also benefit in so many other ways. If you need more information or support with breastfeeding, visit La Leche League International on the web at
In part three of this article you'll learn ways to burn extra calories easily and enjoyably without sweating it out at the gym. You'll also learn the secret that savvy new moms use to effortlessly burn up to an extra 200 calories a day -that's 2 pounds a month with no extra effort!
5) Get moderate exercise on a regular basis. Of course, you should get the go ahead from your doctor first, and you will likely need to wait longer if you've had a caesarean birth, but most new moms can begin a gentle fitness program very soon after their baby is born.
Exercise is definitely one of those things that most of us feel obligated to do and few of us seem to enjoy. In fact, for many moms, having a new baby seems to be a great excuse not to exercise. After all, you're legitimately busy, sleep-deprived, and probably a bit nervous about leaving your precious bundle with someone else while you head to the gym. But wait! Who ever said you had to pump iron, punch a bag or jump around in a fitness class for an hour to get your exercise?
The whole key to sticking with a fitness program is to choose an activity you enjoy. If you enjoy hiking outdoors, why not invest in a baby carrier so you and your baby can do this together? There are all kinds of baby trailers on the market now so your baby can join you on a bike ride or even a cross country ski outing if these are activities you enjoy. If swimming is fun for you, why not offer to take a friend's teenager to the pool. She can sit close by with your baby on the pool deck while you do a few lengths, and then you and your baby can enjoy a leisurely lunch or cup of tea while the teen gets a chance to play in the pool in return for helping you out. Yoga classes for moms and babies are also popular now, and this can be a very enjoyable and relaxing way to spend time with your baby while you exercise.
For the new mom who wasn't active before pregnancy, gentle forms of exercise such as taking a stroll are ideal. If you can find another new mom close by to share this time with, your walks will become a pleasant activity that you look forward to, instead of part of your dreaded post-natal fitness program. If your health unit or community nursing program offers a drop in program for new moms you will be able to connect with other moms there. Or perhaps you've stayed in touch with a mom you met in your pre-natal classes. As you start to feel more energetic you can increase the length and the intensity of your walks. Ans if the weather is bad you can always walk around the mall and enjoy the sights.
Gentle dancing or rocking while holding your baby is also excellent exercise that both of you can enjoy. When your baby is fussy or tired and nursing her doesn't seem to be helping, why not put on some music and introduce her to your favourite dance steps? She won't mind if you don't get the steps right, she'll just enjoy being close to you while you move, and you'll get the fitness benefits. Most babies will enjoy dancing with you even when they're not tired and cranky. As she gets older your dance dates will probably be greeted with giggles and squeals of delight.
Remember though that moderation in your exercise program is the key. Even if you bounce back quickly from your baby's birth and are feeling very energetic, be sure to start slowly and increase your exercise level gradually. Too much too soon can set you back by causing you to feel exhausted later on in the day. This can lead to grouchiness or a bout of the baby blues, neither of which will motivate you to continue exercising! Remember the old adage, "always leave 'em wanting more." This should be your fitness mantra in the first few postpartum months. In other words, stop before you've had enough and you'll be more likely to continue with your fitness program the next day.
6) Wear your baby often. Using a sling or carrier to keep baby close during the day will make your baby happier, plus it will give you a little extra weight to pack around as you do your daily chores and activities. It may not seem like much, but as your baby grows you'll be increasing the amount of weight you're carrying while you go about your daily routines. And that adds up to extra weight loss for you.
Instead of using a stroller when you take a walk, put baby in the carrier. Instead of putting her in a swing or rocking seat, rock her to sleep in your arms or in your baby carrier while you stand and gently bounce to and fro. When you go to the grocery store, carry her in a sling instead of putting her in the shopping cart. In fact, if you're lucky enough to live within walking distance of your grocery store, you can even make this a daily outing to pick up a few items each time. Your baby will enjoy the extra closeness of being in a sling or carrier as you do laundry, tend the garden, or even take some time out for a hobby like bird watching. Babies in our society seem to spend so much time strapped into various pieces of equipment. Most will love the opportunity to be closer to the person they most adore-you!
The bonus for mom is that extra weight to carry equals extra calories burned. Over the course of a year this can add up to significant weight loss, in a very healthy way for all concerned. Depending on how often you carry your baby, and how much she weighs, you can easily burn an extra 100-200 calories a day just by carrying her along for part of your day. Anytime you're on the go, try to carry your baby with you and you'll be getting the benefit of the increased calorie burn that comes with packing around an extra 10, 15, or 20 pounds.
And there you have it, six painless ways to lose those extra pregnancy pounds effortlessly and without stress. Remember, your baby won't be small for long so try not to get too preoccupied with weight loss. If you eat well most of the time, get some moderate exercise on a regular basis, and follow the rest of the tips in this article series, you'll get back in shape with hardly a second thought.

Susan Peach is a retired La Leche League Leader, a dance and fitness instructor, and mother to two teenage boys. She is also the creator of Mambo Moms, a fun and gentle Latin dance based fitness program that helps new moms get back in shape while spending quality play time with their babies. Find out more at

Article Source: 

Monday 18 August 2014

Pregnancy Just for Laughs

If you're not feeling you're best hope these cheer you up

The Breastfeeding Diet

The Breastfeeding Diet

You're not finished eating for two quite yet — here's how to get the right nutrition to provide your baby with a liquid lunch (and breakfast, and dinner, and snacks…)

breastfeeding diet

It's the couch potato's dream — burning up the calories of a five-mile run without leaving your lounge chair. And guess what? That dream is your reality now that you're breastfeeding your little tater tot. It's true — milk production burns 500 calories a day, which means that when you're breastfeeding, you'll get to eat an extra 500 calories a day (up from your pre-pregnancy numbers) to meet that need — just one of the many benefits of breastfeeding. 
Hello, potato chips? Not exactly. Quality matters as much as quantity, especially if you expect to stay vertical during those long postpartum days (and even longer nights). The good news is that you're an old pro at eating well — what with all the practice you've had for the past nine months during your pregnancy. The even better news is that eating well while breastfeeding is very much like eating well while expecting (see The Pregnancy Diet), with (best news of all) slightly more relaxed rules. You'll still be aiming for plenty of healthy foods and steering clear of the less healthy ones (though there's more leeway for indulgences). Plus, while calories definitely count, you still won't need to count them — just follow the Breastfeeding Diet as best you can: 
What to eat. Like eating well during pregnancy, eating well while breastfeeding entails getting the right balance of good (and good for you) food. Try to get the following each day:

  • Protein: three servings
  • Calcium: five servings (that's an increase from your pregnancy requirement of four)
  • Iron-rich foods: one or more servings
  • Vitamin C: two servings
  • Green leafy and yellow vegetables, yellow fruits: three to four servings
  • Other fruits and veggies: one or more servings
  • Whole-grain and other concentrated complex carbohydrates: three or more servings
  • High-fat foods: small amounts — you don't need as much as you did during pregnancy
  • Eight cups of water, juice, or other noncaffeinated, nonalcoholic beverages
  • DHA-rich foods to promote baby's brain growth (look for it in wild salmon and sardines, as well as DHA-enriched eggs)
  • Prenatal vitamin daily 

What not to eat. Here's the great news: When you're breastfeeding, there's a lot more that can be on the menu than off. But (and here's the less great news), with caveats. It's fine to pop open the cork on that pinot noir you've been pining for (or flip the top on that ale you've been aching for) — but within limits (a couple of glasses a week, preferably taken right after you nurse, rather than before, to allow a couple of hours for the alcohol to metabolize and for far less to reach your baby — use Milkscreen to check the alcohol levels in your milk). Time to pick up your coffee habit where you left off? Depends on how hefty your habit was — more than a cup or two of joe can make junior jittery (and keep you both from getting any sleep). As for safe foods after pregnancy, it's okay to reel in the sushi again, although you should continue to avoid high-mercury fish such as shark, tilefish, and mackerel, and to limit those that may contain moderate amounts of that heavy metal. (See Pregnancy and Fish.) 
What to watch out for. If you have a family history of allergies, it's probably wise to avoid peanuts and foods that contain them (and possibly other highly allergic foods, such as tree nuts — check with the doctor). Also watch out for herbs — even some seemingly innocuous herbal teas. (Stick to reliable brands and choose flavors that are considered safe during lactation, including orange spice, peppermint, raspberry, red bush, chamomile, and rosehip.) Read labels carefully to make sure other herbs haven't been added to the brew, and drink them only in moderation.And when it comes to sugar substitutes, aspartame is probably a better bet than saccharine (only tiny amounts of aspartame pass into breast milk), but Sucralose (Splenda) is considered safe and a good all-round, low-calorie sugar substitute.

What to watch your baby for. A few moms find that their own diet affects their babies' tummies and temperaments. While what you eat does indeed change the taste and smell of your milk (that happens for all mothers), that's actually a good thing, since it exposes your baby to many different flavors. But some babies can be sensitive to certain foods. If you suspect that something in your diet is turning baby off his or her feed (or turning his or her tummy), try eliminating the food for a few days to gauge the response. Some of the more common troublemakers are cow's milk, eggs, fish, citrus fruits, nuts, and wheat.


How It Is Possible To Ensure Losing Weight Right After Pregnancy

How It Is Possible To Ensure Losing Weight Right After Pregnancy   

by Jared Dulle
Many women notice that as soon as they have a baby, people begin questioning them about how long it will take them to return to their normal weight. In a culture that is filled with people who suffer from obesity and high BMIs, we are a little bit obsessed with weight. Today, it is assumed that after a woman has a baby, she should be in a big rush to lose all her baby weight. All women are not the same, though, and you have to lose weight at your own pace. The following suggestions will help you if you're trying to lose weight after pregnancy.
To begin with, you will have a hard time losing your baby weight if you don't get sufficient exercise. Physical activity is a requirement for anyone who wants to lose weight, after pregnancy or anytime. But you can't make your workouts too intense following a pregnancy. You do want to do aerobic and strength training regularly. You should, however, stick to low intensity exercises. You can actually get a good workout by pushing your baby's stroller if your pace is healthy. Working out burns calories. Yet you also have to recognize that, after you've just given birth, you have to take things a little slowly.
How much weight did you put on during your pregnancy? This is not usually a question a new mom wants to be asked. It is a fact that your weight after pregnancy is directly impacted by your weight before pregnancy. If you were in the "normal" range for weight and gained the recommended amount of weight given to you by your doctor, you shouldn't have any problems dropping pounds. Obese women tend to have a harder time losing the weight after pregnancy. You will have a very difficult time losing the weight you gained during pregnancy. If you have had problems with weight gain in the past it is a good idea to consult your doctor before you begin a weight loss routine.
Diets are not the answer! This may not be what you'd expect to hear. The fact is that when you are caring for a newborn you should not limit yourself with restrictive diets. Limiting your food intake or cutting out specific foods can work against your weight loss. New mothers actually have enough on their minds as it is without the added burden of having to conform to a strict diet.
It isn't going to help you right now if you start trying to cut out foods that you crave. Just eat what your body tells you to!
It is not uncommon for a woman to struggle with the challenge of getting the pregnancy weight off. For others it comes quite easily. There are of course many factors that play a role in the ease or difficulty you have getting rid of that weight. Everything from your pre-pregnancy weight to your exercise routine will factor in to the rate at which you can get back to your "old" size. Try not to freak out about it-every woman is different. Don't let anyone make you feel like you have a timeframe because you don't.
Most of these techniques may easily be extremely helpful for your needs during and also right after the pregnancy period. Having said that, if you one of the females who have difficult to get pregnant, then take a look at the following site about the Pregnancy Miracle Book and discover more about a proven program to improve your odds to get pregnant naturally within 8 weeks or even less.


Friday 15 August 2014

Postpartum Diet

Nutrition After Pregnancy: Too Busy with the Baby to Eat?

nutrition after pregnancy

With your amazing — and exhausting — new 24-hour job (feed baby, change baby, burp baby, rock baby, and repeat), you barely have time to change your clothes, shower, or think about anything that's not baby-related. It's natural to be completely focused on your new little bundle, and completely unfocused on your own needs — like your diet after delivery. The problem with forgetting to eat, though, is that skipping meals deprives you of energy. And as you've certainly figured out by now, parenting takes lots of energy — even more energy if you're fueling a milk-making factory and need a solid breastfeeding diet. Here's how to get the best nutrition after pregnancy when eating's the last thing on your mind (or your to-do list)

Postpartum Diet Trick 1: Snack when your baby snacks.

Your little one is eating every two to four hours now — and so should you. Sneak in small bites of fruit, yogurt, low-fat cheese, or whole-grain bread or muffins whenever you prepare to feed your baby — or, if you've mastered the one-handed feed already, while you're feeding your baby (talk about multitasking!). Stash healthy snacks within arm's reach (almonds and raisins next to your favorite nursing chair, a banana and a bag of crackers in your stroller bag) so your diet after delivery keeps you satisfied. (Get more clever diet after pregnancy tips.)

Postpartum Diet Trick 2: Just say yes!

When friends ask if there's anything they can do to help, suggest they pick up a roast chicken, a tray of lasagna, prewashed bags of salad greens, a giant carton of fruit salad, a platter of veggies and dip, or a dozen whole-wheat bagels (melt a slice of cheese on top of one of those babies, and you have yourself a healthy mini-meal staple for your diet after delivery). Try to keep your kitchen stocked with easy-to-prepare foods you like, so that thinking about what to eat takes no thought at all.

Postpartum Diet Trick 3: Befriend your freezer.

If you cooked in quantity while you were pregnant, now's the time to defrost those homemade goodies and enjoy them. If you never actually got around to following through on your make-ahead plans, stock up on frozen dinners and snacks (look for healthy ones — your store should carry plenty) for your diet after delivery. More nutrition after pregnancy shortcuts: Frozen vegetables are as nutritious as fresh, and a lot faster to prepare, and frozen fruit makes a quick smoothie when blended with yogurt.

Postpartum Diet Trick 4: Dial up a delivery.

Nobody deserves deliveries as much as someone who's just made one (a significant one). Tap into every delivery option available to you — groceries (sure, you won't get to squeeze the peaches, but at least you'll end up with some), delis, restaurants of every kind from sushi, now that you can, to pizza. (In fact, getting good nutrition after pregnancy should be a breeze compared to your taboo-ridden pregnancy diet!) Consider ordering ahead a few meals, so that you'll have something to reheat tomorrow (or tonight, when that midnight feeding leaves you starving).

Postpartum Diet Trick 5: Plan ahead.

If you're boiling an egg for lunch, boil six so they're ready and waiting for you tomorrow. If it's salmon salad you crave today, crack open a large can so that you'll be able to fish for an easy snack the next day. Bake a half-dozen potatoes at once — it's quick and easy to warm them later (with some pre-shredded Cheddar and leftover broccoli). Ditto brown rice — make a box, and reheat it all week. And if you actually manage to get to the market, linger where the prepared foods hang out (bag a rotisserie chicken, sliced roast turkey, turkey meatloaf, ready-to-eat veggie and fruit salads). And don't forget to visit the salad bar — heap a few dishes high with your favorites (but keep the dressings on the side so you don't end up with limp lettuce tomorrow).

Postpartum Diet Trick 6: Drink, drink, drink.

Keep bottles of water in every room of the house, so no matter where you and baby are, you can grab a quick drink. To keep yourself hydrated (dehydration leads to postpartum fatigue — something you've got plenty of already, thank you), make sure you have a drink every time baby does.


Wednesday 13 August 2014

How to Get A Flat Stomach After Pregnancy exercise video

Losing the Baby Weight: The Truth About Shedding Pounds After Birth

Losing the Baby Weight: The Truth About Shedding Pounds After Birth

Many women wonder how long it takes to lose baby weight and bounce back to a pre-baby body. Get the real facts about how the body holds on to pounds after birth. 

new mom

It’s every woman’s dream to lose all the extra pregnancy pounds the moment baby finally arrives — but the fact is no one (not even celebs!) snaps back to her pre-baby body so quickly. It’s important to keep your expectations in check: Depending on the size of your newborn (usually between five and 10 pounds) and precise weight of your amniotic fluid and placenta (which you deliver at birth), most pregnant women can lose up to 12 pounds during delivery. Considering the average pregnancy weight gain is between 25 and 35 pounds, that’s a healthy start!

So where do the rest of those pounds come from? Your breast tissue, blood supply, fat stores and enlarged uterus. In fact, giving birth might not shrink your baby belly very much at all — at least for the first six weeks, until your uterus shrinks back to around its pre-pregnancy size.

There are lots of things you can do to get into shape again. But it’s really important to give yourself a break: Your body just birthed another being. Things moved around, stretched and grew to make that happen. Don’t focus on “getting your body back” (it actually didn’t go anywhere!) but on creating a healthy, happy, and — possibly slightly differently shaped — you.

Your Weekly Weight-Loss Goal

After you deliver, you will slowly lose weight. You may want to speed things along by working with your doctor to set a safe, reasonable goal. A good rule of thumb is to lose no more than one and a half pounds per week (that is, a calorie deficit of 3,500 to 5,250 calories per week, or 500 to 750 a day). While many new mothers ditch the bulk of their pregnancy pounds by baby’s 6-month birthday, everyone sheds weight at their own pace. Many factors have been proven to affect your weight loss journey — including your age (your metabolism slows down by about 2 percent every decade after age 25, so you burn fewer calories at rest as you age), your diet (when you eat more protein than carbs and eat larger meals earlier in the day, your body burns more calories and works more efficiently), activity level (the more you move, the more calories you burn), and your natural metabolism, which is determined by your genes. Keep in mind, too, if you gained more than 35 pounds during your pregnancy, it could take extra time (from 10 months to two years) to bounce back.

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

Although shedding 10, 20 or more pounds post-baby might seem insurmountable, it may take less “work” — or at least hours pounding it out on the treadmill — than you might think. That’s because, as many new moms will attest, breastfeeding helps melt off the pounds in record time. In fact, depending on how much milk you produce, breastfeeding can burn up about 500 calories per day. What’s more, it stimulates the release of hormones that help shrink your uterus (and your post-baby belly). Unfortunately contrary to what you might have heard, you don’t need to hold on to an extra five pounds of weight as a reserve while you breastfeed (so those last few stubborn pounds might actually require some extra sweat sessions at the gym).

After you stop breastfeeding, your body has less work to do — which means it burns fewer calories than it did when you were nursing. However at the same time you may notice that weaning naturally decreases your appetite — your body’s natural way of putting you on the right kind of diet (so listen to it!). You’ll likely feel more free (and comfortable) to increase your activity level, too. So when you stop nursing, don’t worry too much about packing on the pounds you lost. Lifestyle changes can help keep your metabolism churning — and while you’ll need to scale back on food a bit, you can prevent those numbers on your bathroom scale from creeping back up.

Your Post-Baby Diet

Since your body needs ample rest and nutrition to recover from delivery, fend off infection and feed your baby, you shouldn’t even think about dieting until your baby is 6 weeks old — no matter how anxious you are to squeeze back into your pre-pregnancy clothes.

Once you feel ready to start a post-baby diet (and you’ve gotten the OK from your doctor), make sure you’re still eating enough calories. Crash dieting isn’t just risky for you: If you’re breastfeeding and don’t eat enough calories, your body ends up producing less milk — which means you're hungry, growing baby goes on a diet with you. What’s more, burning fat too quickly can trigger the release of toxins that end up in breast milk. Even if you’re not nursing, eating too few calories can make your body think you’re starving. This confusion can cause actually slow down your metabolism, making it harder to shed those extra pounds in the long run.

Remember, if you’re nursing your calorie needs are even greater during the first six months after delivery than they were during the last trimester of pregnancy. Your doctor can help determine exactly how many calories you should be eating, since the number will vary depending on your BMI before pregnancy and your activity level. To put things in perspective, the average woman needs about 2,000 calories a day, and breastfeeding women should tack on an extra 500 calories to maintain their current weight. To lose one pound, though, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories per week (or 500 calories less per day) by eating less or exercising more (which means the average breastfeeding woman would be back at 2,000 calories per day to lose about a pound a week). Make sure the foods you do eat are packed with the proper nutrients (for tips on what to eat, check out the postpartum diet and/or breastfeeding diet). Also remember that the less you weigh, the fewer calories your body needs — so you may need to adjust your calorie intake as you slim down.

Get Moving!

One other thing to keep in mind: Exercise does a body good, especially one that has a few too many love handles. And even though you're super busy, you can always find ways to start exercising with baby (it can be as simple as taking out the stroller or using a baby carrier). Just make sure you've gotten the green light from your practitioner before starting back on your exercise routine, and never exercise to the point of exhaustion (you're probably exhausted enough from the lack of sleep!). Find an activity you enjoy — jogging, yoga, cycling, swimming, walking — and plan it into your week. Besides helping you with your weight loss after delivery, a brisk walk with the baby in a nearby park or playground is a great way to meet other moms who are no doubt on the same weight loss mission as you are.

The Dreaded Weight-Loss Plateau

You might have heard that many new mothers reach a weight loss plateau. And while it’s hard to say exactly if and when weight loss slows, experts say that many women do retain 10 pounds for good. That said, it likely has nothing to do with being pregnant but is more related to changes in your diet and activity levels after baby is in the picture: Caring for a new baby leaves a lot less time to take care of yourself — especially as you struggle to cope with a lot more work and a lot less sleep! But while losing the last few pounds might be tough, diet and exercise really can get your body back to its pre-baby shape.

Tips to Shed Those Final Pounds

No matter where you are on your post-baby weight loss journey, patience is the key. Sticking to a diet can be tricky with a baby, but these tips can help you stay on track:
  • Team up. You need all the support you can get — so get your partner on board. Take a walk instead of watching TV after dinner, and make a commitment to sticking to a post-baby diet together. Start by ridding your fridge and pantry of high-fat and processed foods, then stock up on fruits, veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry and fish — and keep an eye out for each others' eating habits.
  • Don't discount the small stuff. Squeeze even a little extra activity into your daily routine. Every step counts, so don't discount the little things: You'd be amazed by how many calories you'll burn from a number of everyday mommy activities.
  • Stay positive. Focus on what you've accomplished so far and the weight you've already lost. If your skinny clothes are still too skinny, buy a couple of fun things that you'll enjoy wearing, get a new haircut or try new makeup to perk you up as you slim down.

The Bottom Line

Even mothers are bound to the standard rules of weight loss: less calories in than out. Remember that it took you nine months to gain the weight, and slimming down will likely be as challenging as it was before you began to pack on pregnancy pounds. And even when the scale hits a number you like, you may find your body’s shape is somewhat different than it was before birth. That’s OK — and a great reason to splurge on some new clothes that flatter the new you!

So no matter how long it takes you to retire your pregnancy jeans, try not to get frustrated. While pregnancy might leave you with permanent stretch marks on your belly and slightly less perky breasts, healthy habits can help you shape up otherwise. And keep motivated by reminding yourself that you have created a fabulous human being who adores you — all of instead of staring at your tummy, take a peek at your beautiful baby and cut yourself some slack.


Tuesday 12 August 2014

Healthy weight loss after birth

How can I lose weight safely?

Eat healthily, including plenty of fruit and vegetables in your meals. Drink water throughout the day to stay well hydrated and choose the right snacks. As well helping you lose weight at a healthy pace, it will also make sure you have the energy to adjust to life with your newborn. 

These tips will help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight:

  • Make time for breakfast in the morning.
  • Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
  • Include plenty of fibre-rich foods such as oats, beans, lentils, grains and seeds in your meals.
  • Include starchy foods such as bread, rice and pasta (preferably wholegrain varieties for added fibre) in every meal.
  • Go easy on fatty and sugary foods, takeaways, fast food, sweets, cakes, biscuits, pastries and fizzy drinks.
  • Watch your portion sizes at mealtimes, and the number and type of snacks you eat between meals.

Combining healthy eating with exercise will be the most effective, because it helps you to lose fat instead of lean tissue. You will also improve your fitness levels. 

What exercise can I do?

Finding the time to fit exercise into your daily life, now that you have a newborn, can be tricky. But it's not impossible, as long as you make it a priority. 

You can start to do some gentle exercise such as walking, pelvic floor exercises and stretching, as soon as you feel up to it. However, you should wait six weeks or so, or until you feel that you've recovered from the birth, before taking up more strenuous exercise. 

Or you could exercise with your baby. Take your baby for walks in her pushchair, or try a pram-based exercise class. Find your nearest Buggyfit class here. Group classes are also a great way to meet other mums, and the fresh air may also help to lift your mood. 

How many calories do I need?

How many calories you need depends on your current weight, how active you are, and whether or not you are breastfeeding. 

It can be difficult to lose weight after having a baby, but try to lose the weight you gained during your pregnancy before you try for another baby. This is especially important if you were overweight or obese to begin with, or if you gained a lot of weight during your pregnancy. 

It may surprise you to know that even a small weight gain of one or two BMI units between pregnancies can increase the risk of complications in your next pregnancy. Complications include high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, as well as increasing your likelihood of giving birth to a big baby. 

Losing the extra weight you've gained after you've had a baby may also help you to manage your weight in the longer term, and to keep the weight off. It will pay off in the long run in wider health terms, as keeping your weight under control also cuts your risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and some cancers.

Does breastfeeding affect weight loss?

If you are breastfeeding, you should wait until you and your baby have got the hang of it before you start to lose weight. 

You’ll need slightly more calories than if you were formula feeding your baby. You’ll need around an extra 330 calories a day to have the energy to produce milk. However, some of these additional energy needs will be met from your body’s existing fat stores. 

This means that breastfeeding can help you to lose weight if you avoid taking in the extra calories required for breastfeeding, while eating healthily and staying active. Breastfeeding may even help you to keep your weight off in the longer term. 

It’s safe to lose weight when breastfeeding if you lose it gradually. Losing between 0.5kg and 1kg (1lb to 2lb) a week shouldn't affect the quality or supply of your milk, or your baby's growth. Losing weight gradually will also make it more likely to stay off in the long run.

When will my body be back to normal?

Give yourself time to get back in shape, and don't despair if the weight doesn't fall off immediately. Ignore stories of celebrities getting back into shape a few weeks after childbirth. Such quick weight loss is unrealistic for the average new mum, so take a more gradual approach. 

Bear in mind that your body may change shape after pregnancy, and returning to your exact pre-pregnancy weight or shape may be difficult. 

As long as you feel healthy and ready, as a rough guide, you should aim to return your pre-pregnancy weight by the time your baby is about six months old. If you're finding it takes longer than this, don't give yourself a hard time. Just set yourself a target of getting to the weight you want by your baby’s first birthday.

While it’s important to focus on your health it is also important not to set yourself unachievable goals. One study showed that only about four out of 10 mums had lost their pregnancy weight by the time their babies were six months. 

If you put on a lot of weight during your pregnancy, it will take longer to come off. If you'd like some help with losing weight, talk to your GP or health visitor about exercise or weight-management classes in your area. Joining a class can help to motivate you and you'll meet other people in the same situation as you. 

Read our parents' tips on managing your weight after having a baby. And see our gallery of BabyCentre mums' post-baby bellies.

Monday 11 August 2014

Free 8 Min Ab Workout - How to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach after pregnancy

Diet for healthy post-baby weight loss

Diet for healthy post-baby weight loss

 Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Eager to get back into shape now that you're no longer pregnant? For long-term success – and to keep yourself feeling good along the way – keep these tips in mind.

Don't start dieting too soon

Your body needs time to recover from labor and delivery. Give yourself until your six-week postpartum checkup before you start watching your calorie intake and actively trying to slim down. And if you're breastfeeding, experts recommend that you wait until your baby is at least 2 months old before you try to lose weight. (If you're a nursing mom, you may also want to read our article on a healthy breastfeeding diet.)

Starting a diet too soon after giving birth can delay your recovery and make you feel more tired – and you need all the energy you can muster to adjust to life with your newborn. In addition, if you're nursing, dieting can affect your milk supply. If you're patient and give your body a chance to do its work, you may be surprised at how much weight you lose naturally, especially if you're breastfeeding.

Be realistic about weight loss

Keep in mind that you may not be able to return to your exact pre-pregnancy weight or shape. For many women, pregnancy causes permanent changes such as a softer belly, slightly wider hips, and a larger waistline. With this in mind, you might want to adjust your goals a bit. 

Embrace exercise

There's no magic pill to help you lose weight: A healthy diet combined with regular exercise is the best way to shed the pounds – and to keep them off. And it's important to exercise while trying to lose weight to ensure you're losing fat instead of muscle.
Once you're ready to begin losing weight, start by eating a little less and being more active – even if you're just taking a quick walk around the block with your baby in the stroller.

Find out whether your body is ready for exercise and visit our postpartum fitness area for information on getting back into shape.

Lose weight slowly

Don't go on a strict, restrictive diet. Women need a minimum of 1,200 calories a day to stay healthy, and most women need more than that – between 1,500 and 2,200 calories a day – to keep up their energy and prevent mood swings. And if you're nursing, you need a bare minimum of 1,800 calories a day (most nursing moms need more like 2,000 to 2,700 calories) to nourish both yourself and your baby.
If you're breastfeeding, you'll want to make sure to take it slow – losing weight too quickly can cause a decrease in your milk supply.
Too-rapid weight loss can also release toxins that are stored in your body fat into the bloodstream – and into your milk supply. (Toxins that can make it into your bloodstream include environmental contaminants like the heavy metals lead and mercury, persistent organic pollutants like PCBs and dioxins, and solvents.)
Weight loss of about a pound and a half a week is safe and won't affect your milk supply if you're nursing. To achieve this, cut out 500 calories a day from your current diet (without dipping below the safe minimum) by either decreasing your food intake or increasing your activity level.

Eat up – and take your time!

With a new baby and schedule, it can be hard to find the time to eat. But skipping meals can make energy levels lag – and it won't help you lose weight. Many moms find that eating five to six small meals a day with healthy snacks in between (rather than three larger meals) fits their appetite and schedule better. (A small meal might be half a sandwich, some carrot sticks, fruit, and a glass of milk.)
Don't skip meals in an attempt to lose weight – it won't help, because you'll be more likely to eat more at other meals. And you'll also probably feel tired and grouchy.
Even if you've never been much of a breakfast person, keep in mind that eating breakfast can help keep you from feeling famished – and tired – later in the morning, and it can give you the energy to be more active.

In addition, numerous studies show that skipping breakfast can sabotage your weight loss efforts. According to the National Weight Control Registry, which has tallied the successful strategies of dieters who have lost an average of 66 pounds and kept it off for 5.5 years, 78 percent of the dieters eat breakfast daily.Slow your eating down, too, if possible. When you take your time eating, you'll notice that it's easier to tell when you feel full – and you're less likely to overeat.

Be choosy about foods and drinks

Research shows that consuming low-fat milk and dairy products and choosing whole grain products like whole wheat bread and whole grain cereal can help you lose weight. Other good choices include low-fat, high-fiber foods such as fruits (like apples, oranges, and berries) and raw vegetables (like carrots, jicama, and red pepper strips) for healthy snacks.
Other ways to squeeze in more fruits and veggies: Make fruit (or veggie) smoothies, use fruit or vegetable salsas or vegetable reduction sauces (sauces made from puréed vegetables) over fish or chicken, add shredded carrots to your sandwich, try grilled vegetables, and try puréed vegetable soups. (Puréeing your soup makes it creamy without having to add cream, which is high in calories and saturated fat. It's also a great way to eat veggies you might not ordinarily eat on their own.)
Fat has twice as many calories as carbohydrates or proteins, so trimming the extra fat from your diet is probably the easiest way to cut calories. Look for low-fat or fat-free dairy products (you don't need to drink whole milk in order to make quality breast milk!), choose broiled or baked rather than fried foods, and limit your intake of sweets, which have extra calories from sugar and fat.
Keep in mind, though, that fat is an important nutrient, so your goal isn't to eliminate it from your diet. In fact, including some fat at each meal will help you stay full and keep you from overeating carbohydrates. (Too many calories from any source – fat, protein, or carbs – can lead to weight gain or keep you from accomplishing weight loss.)
The trick is to choose "good" fats rather than "bad" fats. The best fats are mono- and polyunsaturated fats, like those in canola oil, olive oil, avocado, olives, nuts and seeds, and fatty fish like salmon. The oils to avoid are saturated and trans fats, which can contribute to heart disease and perhaps diabetes, and can be transferred to breast milk, too.
Saturated fats are found in meats and dairy products, and trans fats are typically found in many fried foods, snack foods, and baked goods. (Food labels specify which kinds of fats the products contain.)
Finally, although you should be drinking about 8 or 9 cups of fluids each day, watch what you drink – a surprising number of calories can be hidden in juice, soda, and coffee drinks.


Thursday 7 August 2014

7 Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy

7 Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Load Up on 'Super Foods', Find Time to Exercise, Consider Breastfeeding to Help Shed Excess Pounds
By Stephanie Watson

Now that your new baby is here, you have a lot to think about: when to feed her, what to do if she cries -- and how to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on during your pregnancy.
If you started out at a normal weight and gained the 25-35 pounds your doctor probably recommended, it shouldn't take you more than a couple of months to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight if you watch what you eat and exercise.
"It's very critical that you do get the weight off, because if you don't it has been associated with overweight and obesity 15 to 20 years later in life," says Debra Krummel, PhD, RD, endowed professor in the University of Cincinnati department of nutrition.If, on the other hand, you were overweight before your pregnancy or you put on more weight than your doctor advised, it could take much longer -- up to a year -- to get the weight off. Any baby weight you don't take off could stick with you for a long time.
And although every new mom is eager to look like her old self again, one of the most important things to remember is to be patient with yourself. Your favorite celebrity might have gone straight from the delivery room into her size 0 jeans, but she may not have done it in a way that was good for her body.
"All the magazines ask, 'How did she do it?' The more important question is, 'Why did she do it?'" says Melinda Johnson, MS, RD, registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). "They do this with very, very strict diets, and a lot of them do it by getting back into activity before their body is really ready for it."
Johnson advocates a more gradual approach to weight loss. "The number one thing new mothers have to have is a certain amount of patience with their body," she says. "It took nine months to get there. It should take at least that long to get back to their fighting weight."
With that in mind, here are some tips to help you lose weight after pregnancy and fit back into your old jeans -- whatever their size.

1. Don't diet.

It may sound strange, but going on an official "diet" could derail your post-pregnancy weight loss goals. Feeling deprived of your favorite foods while you're already stressed out by your new role as mom could actually cause you to gainweight, Johnson says.
"If you go back to eating healthy and eating for your hunger, most women find that the weight comes off pretty naturally," she says.
Instead of dieting, she recommends eating a well-balanced variety of foods. Keep different snacks in the house to keep you from feeling hungry and give you energy throughout the day. Apple slices, carrot sticks, and wheat crackers are all good for noshing.
No matter how much you want to lose weight, try not to dip below 1,800 calories a day, particularly if you are breastfeeding. The U.S. Department of Agriculture'sMyPyramid site can help you design a personalized eating plan based on your age, activity level, and weight loss goals. The site even has a special section for breastfeeding moms.

2. Load up on "super foods."

When you're a new mother, your body needs maximum nutrition, especially if you're nursing. Choose foods that are heavy in the nutrients you need and light in calories and fat.
Fish is one of these "super foods" because it's packed with DHA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid that helps your newborn develop a healthy brain and nervous system. The best sources of DHA are cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna (stick to canned light tuna because albacore tends to be high in mercury).
Milk and yogurt are also super foods because they're high in the calcium you need to keep your bones strong. And don't forget the protein. Lean meat, chicken, and beans are low in fat and high in protein and fiber. They're good for you, and they'll keep you feeling full for longer.

3. Breastfeed.

Whether breastfeeding can actually help you lose weight is still up in the air -- some studies find that breastfeeding exclusively can help you return to your pre-baby weight faster, while others find no difference in weight loss between women who breastfeed and those who bottle feed.
What is for sure is that breastfeeding is good for your baby, boosting immunity and providing a number of other important health benefits. And nursing exclusively lets you add about an extra 300 calories a day to your diet (you can add slightly more calories if you have a really big eater or twins). Just make sure that if you do breastfeed, you don't use it as an excuse to eat whatever you want.

4. Drink up.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day prevents you from getting dehydrated. It also fills you up so that you don't eat as much, and some research has found that it may speed up your metabolism.
Whether you need the often-recommended eight glasses a day isn't certain, so Johnson recommends using the color of your urine and how often you need to go to the bathroom as guides. If you're drinking enough fluids, your urine should be relatively clear, and you should be going to the bathroom about every three to four hours.

5. Move it!

Diet is important, but it's only one part of your post-pregnancy weight loss plan. You also need to incorporate aerobic and strength training exercises after pregnancy to burn calories and keep your muscles and bones strong. "Exercise, beyond helping you lose weight, provides so many benefits to a new mom," Johnson says. "It helps with depression, it helps with the sleep issue ... it helps in relieving stress -- and having a new baby in the house can definitely be stressful."
You don't have to hit the gym to get back in shape after pregnancy -- taking a brisk walk with your baby in the stroller is enough to get your heart pumping and muscles working. "You want to shoot for at least 150 minutes a week," says James M. Pivarnik, PhD, FACSM, professor of kinesiology and epidemiology at Michigan State University and president-elect of the American College of Sports Medicine. With a new baby, finding 30 minutes in a row might be impossible, so Pivarnik suggests breaking up the time into 10-minute increments. Then try to work your way up to 20- or 30-minute sessions.
Lugging around a baby all day is itself a workout, but you still need to add some strength training. Use light weights -- or even a couple of soup cans -- as resistance. Many health clubs and community centers offer "mommy and me" classes that will let you incorporate your baby into your workout routine. But before you start any exercise program, get your doctor's approval, especially if you had a C-section.

6. Get some sleep.

It may seem impossible to get a full eight hours of sleep when you have a baby summoning you like clockwork throughout the night, but being sleep deprived could make it harder for you to shed the baby weight. In one study, new moms who slept five hours or less a night were more likely to hold onto their extra pregnancy weight than women who slept seven hours. When you're tired, your body releases cortisol and other stress hormones that can promote weight gain. "Also when you're exhausted, you don't feel like taking good care of yourself," Johnson says. "You're less likely to choose healthy food. You're more likely to grab something through a drive-through. You're also less likely to get physical activity."
Your friends or family members may have told you to "sleep when your baby sleeps," and that's good advice. Catch as many naps as you can during the day and go to bed early -- at least until your baby starts sleeping through the night.

7. Ask for help.

If you're struggling to lose the weight, enlist the help of your doctor and a dietitian. The dietitian can help you design an eating plan that will let you lose weight safely and effectively, while the doctor can guide you on how much weight you need to lose and when you can start exercising.