7 ways to Naturally Lose Weight
You want
to lose weight but are not sure where to start? Here are 7 ways to help you
lose weight naturally.
1. Sleep
for 8 hours: Many studies have shown that an erratic sleeping pattern can
disturb the physiology of your body. When you do not get enough sleep it may
lead to cravings and an unnecessary consumption of calories. Also, lack of
sleep can cause imbalance in your hormonal levels and can slow down your
metabolism. Therefore, sleep for a minimum 8 hours a night to avoid cravings
and empty calories.
2. Stay
hydrated: Consuming enough water keeps you hydrated and helps your internal
organs function properly. When fully hydrated your body eliminates waste more
effectively, which can make the digestive system more efficient and can help
you in losing weight. Recommended amount of water is 10-12 glasses per day.
3. Green
Tea: Green tea is a good source of antioxidants. Polyphenols present in green
tea have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects. Unsweetened brewed
green tea is a zero calorie beverage and contains much less caffeine than
tea/coffee. It is also known to have different health benefits such as
preventing stress, chronic fatigue, treating skin conditions and improving
arthritis by reducing inflammation.
Increase Protein intake: Protein takes longer to get digested and therefore
keeps you full for longer. However, increasing protein intake does not mean
that you have to reduce your carbohydrate intake. Your body needs carbohydrates
to produce energy and protein to build muscles; therefore, it is required to
keep a balance between protein and carbohydrates. Good sources of protein
include eggs, milk, yoghurt, cheese, beans, fish, soy and lean cuts of chicken
and beef. But to balance their protein content include vegetables, multigrain bread
or chapattis in your meals in combination.
5. Avoid
Sodium: Sodium is a mineral which maintains the electrolyte balance of your
body. But excessively consuming foods high in sodium leads to water retention
in the body, thus increasing your weight on the scale. Limiting the amount of
sodium in your diet can help your body to expel the retained water. Major
source of sodium in diet is table salt which is 40% sodium and 60% chloride.
Other sources of sodium include packaged potato chips, pickled food, cured
meat, salami, and various fermented sauces like soya sauce.
6. Avoid
Simple Carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates are simple sugars which easily get
digested in the body. Therefore, you may start feeling hungry soon. This can
lead to over eating. Processed and refined foods are high in simple
carbohydrates. These foods include white bread, potato chips, etc.
Regular Exercise: Regular exercise helps in burning fat from your body. Make it
a routine to exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. It will also help you
in maintaining your hormone levels, avoiding sugar cravings and keeping
yourself fit. Incorporate these tips in your daily routine to lose weight
Nice piece of information… I totally agree with you… Healthy diet also helps to stay away from health issues. To maintain healthy diet one has to do some advance planning. By this one can make nutritious meals on daily basis, doesn’t depends upon his budget. They key to the success of this Diet plan is plan ahead, shop smart and utilize each and every thing you may have purchased. Keep on sharing!!!